-PTI Law Minister Salman Khurshid on Monday said the RTI Act was being "misused" and officials and even judges feel the transparency law was transgressing into government functioning. "Undoubtedly, it has been misused. But you have to weigh misuse with usefulness of the RTI Act. We would like our life to be miserable than the life of a citizen," Khurshid said. Asked about recent remarks of Corporate Affairs Minister M Veerappa...
When the RTI ‘Basmasura' chased the government by Vidya Subrahmaniam
When the controversial Finance Ministry note to the Prime Minister's Office (PMO) on P. Chidambaram's role in 2G spectrum allocation was traced to a Right to Information application, there was surprise — and some concern — both within the government and in RTI circles. The government's discomfiture was understandable: The RTI Act, which was its proud creation, recoiled on it much like the boon that Lord Shiva granted Basmasura. In the...
More »RTI in state dying on second appeals by Ashutosh Shukla
The purpose of the Right to Information Act, it seems, will be defeated in Maharashtra if the state information commission does not get its act together quickly. The number of second appeals pending with the commission has been growing with each passing day. It is likely to touch 18,000 by the month-end and some even date back to 2006. The fact came to fore when a group of RTI activists took up...
More »Ministers, bureaucrats feel the RTI heat as aam aadmi asks uncomfortable questions and dig out Information by CL Manoj
In the corridors of power in Delhi and beyond, a three-letter acronym has left some of the mightiest politicians and officials befuddled, embarrassed and powerless. The RTI, or the Right to Information Act, which compels the government to share information about its functioning with its citizens on demand, has acquired the reputation of a four-letter word among India's rulers. Its lethal nature was on full display this week - it...
More »RTI misuse makes I-T dept, CBI see red by Santosh Tiwari
Investigating and law enforcement agencies are concerned over the growing number of attempts to misuse Right to Information (RTI) to settle personal scores and animosities, and make personal gains. A senior official from one of the investigating agencies told Business Standard that serious concerns were raised in several meetings convened by the government with the Income Tax Department, the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) and others in the recent past. “It has...
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