-The Hindu SC says plea filed by child rights activists Enakshi Ganguly and Shanta Sinha raise “substantial issues and alleged detention of children”. The Supreme Court on Friday assigned the Jammu and Kashmir High Court’s Juvenile Justice Committee to inquire into allegations of illegal detention of children — some as young as 10 — by security forces in Jammu and Kashmir, which is undergoing a period of lockdown following the reading down...
Courts of injustice -Prashant Bhushan and Cheryl D'souza
-The Indian Express The fate of close to two million people excluded from the NRC in Assam rests with the Foreigners Tribunals. The constitutionality and conduct of these quasi-judicial bodies are questionable Over 1.9 million people have been excluded from the final National Register of Citizens (NRC) in Assam. The herculean executive exercise, mandated and closely monitored by the Supreme Court, has incurred a staggering expenditure of over Rs 1,200 crore...
More »Can the spirit of California's gig economy bill spread to India? -Gayatri Nair
-TheWire.in For right and wrong reasons, the current dispensation celebrates the creation of any form of employment in India, regardless of quality. The state of California recently passed a landmark bill that has the potential to unleash a systemic change in the gig economy. On the back of a recent judgement by the California Supreme Court, Assembly Bill 5 has legislated that workers in the gig economy be classified as workers and...
More »The multitudes dispossessed by the 'Gujarat model' -Aseem Shrivastava & Aryaman Jain
-The Hindu Extractive projects like Sardar Sarovar have hit many people. The Gujarat government has filled up the Sardar Sarovar this year, flooding the Narmada. In Madhya Pradesh alone, reportedly, more than 28,000 families still live in the submergence zone. They have not been given due rehabilitation or compensation. However, despite opposition by many groups, the Gujarat and Union governments are going ahead with this forced mass displacement of communities. Disturbing videos are circulating....
More »Waterfront eviction test for Kerala -KM Rakesh
-The Telegraph Around 350 families have refused to vacate apartments constructed in violation of Coastal Regulatory Zone rules Bangalore: Politicians of all hues are making a beeline to a clutch of plush waterfront apartments in Kerala as the clock ticks on a demolition deadline set by the Supreme Court. The issue has raised wider questions: whether a state government that insisted on enforcing in letter and spirit a court order that lifted a...
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