-The Times of India India will, for the first time, put a cap on the maximum price at which essential drugs, like some commonly used anti-AIDS and anti-cancer drugs, besides a horde of painkillers, anti-TB drugs, sedatives, lipid lowering agents and steroids, can be sold in the country. In a landmark decision, a group of ministers (GoM) headed by agriculture minister Sharad Pawar on Thursday cleared the proposal to bring all 348...
UN chief hails progress in scaling up maternal and child nutrition worldwide
-The United Nations High-level political and private sector officials today met in New York to fight childhood and maternal under-nutrition with Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon praising the progress made so far, while stressing the importance of continuing to boost efforts on this front. “Every household needs to be able to afford safe, nutritious foods. Markets need to be open and fair. The poorest people need to know they can count on social protection...
More »Maruti offers 70% hike to workers over three years
-The Times of India NEW DELHI: Nearly two months after workers went on the rampage at its Manesar plant, Maruti Suzuki has doled out a bumper increment package in a new wage settlement agreement, offering salary increment of nearly 70%, apart from other benefits like interest-free personal loans. The agreement has been accepted by the company's labour union. S Y Siddiqui, Maruti's chief operating officer (administration ), said the company has signed...
More »Terror-struck J&K sarpanchs quit -M Saleem Pandit
-The Times of India SRINAGAR: With the second killing of a sarpanch in a fortnight on Sunday by terrorists, the print media in the Valley, and particularly Urdu newspapers, published scores of advertisements from rattled panchayat chiefs on Tuesday announcing their resignations, in response to militants threats to quit or face the consequences. There were more than 50 such advertisements in Urdu newspapers with panchayat chiefs displaying their resignations. However, deputy commissioner...
More »Singh’s Homespun Plea for Liberalizing India -Chandrahas Choudhury
-Bloomberg It wasn't the Gettsyburg Address -- unless it's poker faces we're comparing. Future historians aren't going to be parsing Prime Minister Manmohan Singh's speech for hidden meanings, and rhetoricians won't be delighting in the majesty of its style and the compression of its effects. It inflamed no passions, as did Mitt Romney's words about the "47 percent," and asserted no big idea or thesis, unless there was one contained in the...
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