-Economic and Political Weekly Prevalence of undernourishment, a measure developed by the Food and Agriculture Organization, is a key indicator for global hunger and food insecurity targets. The FAO has developed a sound conceptual model for estimating the prevalence of dietary energy deficiency. However, the estimation methodology of the prevalence of undernourishment has been a subject of much debate. Important modifications are suggested in the estimation of the distribution of average...
Where India's jobs mess is most acute
-The Economic Times India had a joblessness rate of 6.1% in 2017-18, a huge jump over the 2.2% registered in 2011-12, a report says. After the NSSO data leak episode which revealed a 45-year jobs low for India that the government had a hard time countering, here comes another significant set of findings from the same source. More than a third of India's states - 11 states to be precise - had unemployment...
More »New forest law would put framers of the colonial act to shame -Anup Sinha
-The Telegraph Some clauses of the draft of the Indian Forest Act 2019 are extraordinarily undemocratic Forests are considered planetary resources of great importance: as carbon sinks, as repositories for biodiversity, as effective tools for local climate control, and as a source of timber and related produce. Forests have been dwelling places for people, too. It is important from the point of view of sustainable development that forests be preserved and biodiversity...
More »MS Swaminathan, father of Green Revolution, interviewed by Jitheesh PM & Jipson John (Newsclick.in)
-Newsclick.in In an interview, the ‘father’ of India’s Green Revolution, says while technology is necessary, policies on procurement and public distribution are far more important in making agriculture economically viable and sustainable in the country. No one has played a more instrumental role in India’s self-sufficiency in food production than Dr MS Swaminathan — world-renowned agricultural scientist, known as the ‘Father of Green Revolution in India’. After getting a PhD from Cambridge...
More »Water in reservoirs and ground hits rock bottom in Andhra Pradesh -G Venkataramana Rao
-The Hindu Rayalaseema districts descending into the grip of drought Vijayawada: With about two months to go for the onset of monsoon, the water has hit rock bottom in the reservoirs and the ground water position in the State, particularly the drought-prone Rayalaseema districts is precariously low. While the water level in Srisailam project is dangerously low (813.6 feet against the full reservoir level of 885 feet) having only 36.45 tmcft of water,...
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