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'Drought in India worst since 1972'

India has suffered its worst drought since 1972, the official weather office said on Wednesday, with rains 23% below average at the end of the country's four-month monsoon season. "India's 2009 monsoon rainfall has been the worst since 1972," said a spokesperson for the Meteorological Department, P K Bandhopadhyay. In 1972, monsoon rainfall was 24 percent below average, he said, while other bad years such as 2002, 1987 and 1979...

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Undiluted truths about rich polluters by Jayanthi Natarajan

It came as no big surprise to anyone at all that US President Barack Obama made a speech filled with noble intentions, but very little concrete action, on the issue of climate change at the Climate Change Summit, which just concluded in New York. Environment activist had great hopes that the US President would think "out of the box" and take the lead in ensuring that the US, one of...

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We can fight climate change if we care by Shankari Sundararaman

As we approach the global summit on climate change in December 2009 in Copenhagen, critical concerns are likely to emerge. Both the United Nations conference last week and the subsequent G-20 meeting in Pittsburgh left several issues somewhat ambiguous. While the United States spoke of reduction in its emissions, these remain insignificant. At the G-20 meet, leaders stated that they would "intensify efforts to reach an agreement at Copenhagen and...

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Bindeshwar Pathak by Mridu Khullar

As the 6-year-old son in an upper-class Brahmin family, Bindeshwar Pathak wanted to know what would happen if he touched a scavenger, one of India's "untouchables," stuck at the bottom of the country's social order and fated to collect and dispose of human waste. When he did, his grandmother punished him by forcing him to swallow cow dung and urine, and making him bathe in water from the Ganges. "This...

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Gene mutation and food by Kavitha Kuruganti

Dr M.S. Swaminathan, considered the Father of the Green Revolution in India, finally stated his views on genetically-modified (GM) crops in an opinion piece published on August 26, 2009, in this newspaper. GM crops are produced by inserting foreign genes, mostly non-plant genes (bacterial, viral and animal genes) for obtaining hitherto non-existent, new characteristics in a crop. For instance, the Bt class of GM crops like Bt cotton and Bt...

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