In an attempt to BRIng the fight against BRIbery to the private sector, the home ministry is working on tough amendments to the anti-corruption law. The amendments, if passed, will be so tough that tipping the parking attendant in your office for a better slot could leave you facing jail time. It will make receiving a gift a crime, if it a court says it was in return for undue...
Please Sir, may I take a newspaper into my class?-Nivedita Menon
At last, the real anxieties lurking behind what has come to be called the “Ambedkar cartoon” controversy are out in the open. It is hideously clear by now that MPs “uniting across parties” are acting as one only to protect themselves from public scrutiny, debate and criticism. It turns out, as some of us suspected all along, that the “sentiments” that have been “hurt” this time are the easily bruised...
More »India's proposal will help take the web out of U.S. control-Parminder Jeet Singh
-The Hindu Unnerved by the Indian stand, IT monopolies are propagating the myth that a multilateral governance structure will kill the decentralised, multi-stakeholder nature of the Internet and lead to ‘government control' Last year, in a statement to the U.N. General Assembly, India sought the creation of a U.N. Committee on Internet-Related Policies (CIRP) in order to democratise global Internet governance, which at present is either U.S.-controlled, or subject to the policies...
More »In another era, a wit that pulled no punches-Mushirul Hasan
The colonial government took a liberal view of the merciless lampooning that it received at the hands of cartoonists in the Indian press A cartoon is a written expression of the comic impulse, and the cartoonist is an artisan of nib and brush who puts down complex processes of reason and argument in drawings and pictures. His impact is that readers sit up, smile, frown, or simply laugh. In short, cartoons...
More »DNA profiling: Very soon, govt will know you inside out-Neeraj Thakur & Saikat Datta
In a controversial move that threatens to increase the intrusion by the state into the lives of ordinary citizens, the UPA government is set to introduce a DNA Profiling Bill in the winter session of Parliament. Once it becomes a law, the bill will grant the authority to collect vast amount of sensitive DNA data of citizens even if they are "suspects" in a criminal case. The data will be...
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