Total Matching Records found : 6291

Food prices and PDS

The United Progressive Alliance (UPA) government loves committees. Have problem, will deliberate, seems to be the government’s motto. So, it is not surprising that the chief ministers’ conference on price rise ended with yet another committee being appointed, this time on the overhaul of the public distribution system (PDS). This despite the fact that the recent surge in prices had nothing to do with the absence of a universal PDS...

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Sudden spotlight on Orissa tribes & their sacred hills

What have the poor tribals of Orissa in common with the latest Hollywood hit Avatar? Apparently, there are uncanny similarities between the 3D animation movie and a documentary made on the Dongria Kondh tribe of Orissa by Survival International (SI). The ten-minute documentary is titled ‘Mine: story of a sacred mountain’ brings out the plight of the indigenous people. The SI has appealed to Avatar’s director James Cameron through media...

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Fears over brinjal have to be shown to be unjustified: Swaminathan by GS Mudur

India’s leading agricultural scientist, an architect of the green revolution who has no ideological opposition to the genetic engineering of plants, contributed to the moratorium imposed on genetically modified brinjal today. Environment minister Jairam Ramesh, who announced the moratorium on the cultivation of a brinjal variety engineered to kill insect pests, said he had several discussions with agricultural scientist M.S. Swaminathan before his decision. Swaminathan had advised Ramesh to assess the...

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Climate for change by Supriya Sule

The drowning Sundarbans, receding Gangotri, excessive and untimely rain in Maharashtra and unprecedented droughts in Madhya Pradesh. Seen in isolation, these events may seem like random coincidences. Put it all together and the story that emerges is of an impending catastrophe. As mankind raced towards industrial and consumption driven development goals, the concept of sustainability got lost somewhere along the way. While we, the common people, might think that climate change...

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Everyone's connected by Manju Menon and Kanchi Kohli

The heat generated in the media on climate change issues has been put off by a cold winter. However, R.K. Pachauri of The Energy Research Institute (TERI), the leading climate change expert has suffered some burns. Allegations of financial dealings with corporations that are the biggest polluters and violators of good environmental practices have left him groping for cover. In his defence, he makes many separations — of himself as...

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