Total Matching Records found : 6375

The ugly side of land acquisition in India

"India lives in several centuries at the same time. Somehow we manage to progress and regress simultaneously." Arundhati Roy Controversies, protests and violence have marred land acquisition for projects in India. Protests against acquiring agricultural land, inappropriate compensation or environmental impact have been the main reasons for these protests. In most cases, the protests are by farmers who are hardly compensated after their fertile agricultural land is taken over in for...

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Poverty’s definitional woes by Himanshu

Poverty estimates stumble on differing definitions of the household for statistical and policy purposes Officially, the Planning Commission accepted the Tendulkar committee’s report on revision of poverty estimates after the empowered group of ministers on food security asked the commission to issue a final estimate of poverty in the country. Despite the commission’s acceptance, the ministerial group asked it for another estimate of poor households. The simple reason is that the...

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Battle royal over Bt cotton royalty by Latha Jishnu

Monsanto licencees have earned over Rs 1,500 crore since 2002. A quiet but determined battle is being fought in the courts, and outside, by US agricultural biotech giant Monsanto, its Indian affiliates and seed lobbyists to free the prices of genetically modified Bt cotton from state government control. At stake is huge business running into several thousand crore of rupees, with royalty alone on the Bt cotton seeds grossing over Rs...

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After khaps, Arya Samaj shocker for lovers by Sukhbir Siwach

After khaps, it is the Arya Samaj that has shocked couples in Haryana. A section of the sect has decided to ban marriages without consent of parents and villagers. Till now, Arya Samaj temples were a favourite of couples who eloped and solemnised marriages without the consent of their parents and the community. Now, the Haryana Arya Samaj Pratinidhi Sabha LED by Acharya Baldev has decided to impose complete ban...

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No mid-day meal for 12 crore children? by Akshaya Mukul

Come July and 12 crore children benefiting from the mid-day meal (MDM) scheme may go without food as states have nearly run out of foodgrain and fresh supply is caught up in wrangling over the mode of payment. Foodgrain for every quarter is usually lifted a month in advance. But with June approaching and the department of food and public distribution and HRD ministry still to resolve differences on payment,...

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