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Delhi's mid-day meal dilemma: 80 per cent of the food cooked for students is sub-standard -Neha Pushkarna

-India Today A Chhapra like tragedy is waiting to happen in the capital. Delhi has made a mess of its Mid-day Meal Scheme: only 50 of the 280 SAMples taken in 2012-13 from centralised kitchens run by Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) to provide midday meals in government schools in the capital met prescribed standards. In other words, more than 80 per cent of the food cooked for primary school students from Class 1 through...

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Amartya Sen: India's dirty fighter-Madeleine Bunting

-The Guardian Half of Indians have no toilet. It's one of many gigantic failures that have prompted Nobel prize-winning academic Amartya Sen to write a devastating critique of India's economic boom The roses are blooming at the window in the immaculately kept gardens of Trinity College, Cambridge and Amartya Sen is comfortably ensconced in a cream armchair facing shelves of his neatly catalogued writings. There are plenty of reasons for satisfaction...

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Niyamgiri: First of 12-village vote rejects Vedanta mining -Debabrata Mohanty

-The Indian Express Serkapadi, Rayagada: Vedanta Aluminium's controversial plan to mine the Niyamgiri hills for bauxite received a major jolt Thursday after local tribal people unanimously rejected the proposal, claiming religious and cultural rights over the entire hills after 200 minutes of high drama and suspense. In the first of the 12 pallisabhas or village meetings held in Serkapadi on the hills of Rayagada district, 36 registered voters of the village present...

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The flip side of agricultural growth in Madhya Pradesh -Sachin Kumar Jain

-Down to Earth Agricultural growth rate figures in the state appear to be unrealistic if one considers farm suicides and increase in number of landless farm labourers I am in a dilemma over the veracity of the data available on the state of agriculture in Madhya Pradesh. Perhaps, the reader could help me in this effort. Chances are he or she could be as befuddled as I am on the matter. In...

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Sharmila Rege (1964–2013): A tribute -Vibhuti Patel Sharmila Rege, an extremely popular teacher and warm fellow traveler in the women's studies movement, will always be with us through her writings on caste, gender and feminism and compassion she has shown for activists and researchers I was shocked and saddened to learn about the untimely death of Sharmila Rege, on 13 July, 2013, due to cancer of colon, at the young age of 48. Prof. Sharmila Rege was an...

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