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Indian delegation of NGOs has its say at Cancun

The team took part in side events, held ralliesAlso highlighted the significance of small-holderA delegation of non-government organisations assembled under the banner “Beyond Copenhagen” has returned here from Cancun, Mexico, after making interventions for bringing agricultural and food security issues to the mainstream climate negotiations at the 16 {+t} {+h} U.N. Climate Summit. The team took part in the side events, held rallies and lobbied with negotiators during the much...

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Enslaved by tradition: the manual scavengers of Vidisha by Mahim Pratap Singh

Over 200 families in this district of Madhya Pradesh continue to bear the brunt of caste discrimination.Vidisha, a thriving trade centre of ancient India, finds glorious mention variously for Emperor Ashoka's governorship, for featuring in Pali scriptures and Kalidasa's romantic epic Meghdoot, as a premier tourist destination in glossy brochures of Madhya Pradesh Tourism and as the parliamentary constituency of Sushma Swaraj, the Leader of the Opposition in the Lok...

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Crop loss claims lives of 8 farmers

Worried over crop losses and mounting loans, two farmers committed suicide and four others died of shock in the state in the last 24 hours. Apparao, 55, consumed pesticide at his residence in Kapuumilada village in Santabommali mandal of Srikakulam on Tuesday. He was depressed after his three-acre crop was damaged in the rains. He took the land on lease and cultivated paddy. V Krishna Murthy, 52, a marginal farmer of Vanjagi...

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Maharashtra—chronicle of a death foretold? by Ranjona Banerji

Over the past two decades, Maharashtra’s leaders and caretakers have carefully steered it from being India’s most progressive and forward-looking state to lying on the verge of becoming one of India’s most backward.This is no mean achievement. Mumbai, as is well known, contributes close to 40% of the nation’s direct taxes. In 2003-2004, Maharashtra’s net state domestic product was second only to Haryana’s and the gross domestic product was 13%...

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Rajasthan leads the way in ensuring right to education by Aarti Dhar

Rajasthan is racing against time to get rid of the tag of a State with poor human development indicators. At least as far as the school education is concerned, the efforts are dedicated and results expected to be positive. Keen on implementing the Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act, 2009 in letter and spirit, the State is already way ahead in ensuring all children are in school...

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