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Full PlanComm clears 12th Plan document

-The Indian Express Full Planning Commission chaired by Prime Minister Manmohan Singh today approved 12th Five Year Plan (2012-17) document that proposes to lower annual average economic growth rate target during the period to 8.2 per cent from 9 per cent envisaged earlier in view of fragile recovery. "The Full Planning Commission approved the draft 12th Five Year Plan document, subject to certain suggestions made in the meeting," Planning Commission Deputy Chairman...

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Plan panel, Health ministry in turf war -Kounteya Sinha

-The Times of India Fireworks are expected at the all-important Planning Commission meeting, chaired by PM Manmohan Singh, on Saturday over the panel's latest move to take over complete control of the country's flagship National Health Mission (NHM). In what is being seen as the biggest push to privatize Healthcare in India, the commission on Wednesday sent the Health ministry a finalized draft, which informed that NHM is being made into an...

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The real questions from Kudankulam -Rahul Siddharthan

-The Hindu In an atmosphere of mistrust of the government, only an independent safety regulatory mechanism can counter the scaremongering against civilian nuclear power I work at an institution funded by the Department of Atomic Energy (which, however, does no nuclear research: the DAE funds a wide variety of institutions and areas in science). About a year ago, I had an e-mail from a journalist who wondered why scientists (including colleagues at...

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Setting up Universal Health Care Pvt. Ltd.-Rakhal Gaitonde & Abhay Shukla

-The Hindu A Planning Commission draft document has made proposals that fail to reflect the case for expanding and improving public-funded medical services and reining in private operators In the Health sector, the buzz these days is all about Universal Health Care (UHC). While Health activists see in it potential to ensure access to quality Health care for common citizens, commercial bodies seem to be eyeing the huge scope for profit from...

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WHO for regulation of India's '5-star' pvt hospitals

-PTI The country's chief of World Health Organization on Thursday favoured regulation of private hospitals and tax-based financing of universal Health coverage proposed in the 12th Plan. "The private sector in India is represented by five star hospitals. Their services need to be regulated," WHO's country representative Nata Menabde said at a media roundtable organized to discuss World Health Organisation's Country Cooperation Strategy with India over the next five years till 2017. Menabde...

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