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Cloud still hangs over Aadhaar's future -Surabhi Agarwal

-The Business Standard Nilekani probably managed to save the project by a persuasive talk with Modi, but the concerns haven't gone away It is widely believed that Nandan Nilekani's meeting with Prime Minister Narendra Modi saved the ambitious Aadhaar project from oblivion or a takeover by the home ministry. Within a couple of days of the meeting, Modi gave directions to expedite enrolments through Aadhaar, along with the direct benefits transfer (DBT) project...

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Monsoon continues to be weak across most parts -Sanjeeb Mukherjee

-The Business Standard According to the department of agriculture, there were chances of an agriculture drought in about 35 districts across the country The southwest monsoon is continuing its weak run. For the week ended Thursday, it was 25 per cent below normal. This was a consecutive week when rains have been below-normal. A few parts of north India, however, recorded floods due to heavy rain in the Himalayas. According to a real-time assessment...

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Learning from NREGA -Jean Drèze

-The Hindu Business Line Corruption in NREGA works has steadily declined in recent years. There are important lessons here that need to be extended to other domains One neglected aspect of the debate on the National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (NREGA) relates to the process aspects of the programme. In the process of planning works, organising employment, paying wages or fighting corruption, many valuable activities take place: Gram Sabhas are held, workers...

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Exposing the great 'poverty reduction' lie -Jason Hickel

-Al Jazeera The UN claims that its Millennium Development Campaign has reduced poverty globally, an assertion that is far from true. The received wisdom comes to us from all directions: Poverty rates are declining and extreme poverty will soon be eradicated. The World Bank, the governments of wealthy countries, and - most importantly - the United Nations Millennium Campaign all agree on this narrative. Relax, they tell us. The world is getting...

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India faces criticism for blocking global trade deal, but is it justified? -Jayati Ghosh

-The Guardian India cannot support an agreement that ignores food security when millions of its people go to bed hungry each night There is a view on global trade negotiations that has been propagated by a spate of commentaries and news analysis over the past few months. It runs broadly as follows: the multilateral trade regime had been limping to a slow death because of the failure of the Doha development round...

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