India is setting up a $150-million corpus using funds from the World Bank, European Union and the UK government’s Department for International Development to hatch innovative strategies to universalise secondary education. CalLED the National Innovation Fund, the corpus will provide financial support to out-of-the-box projects for which budgetary funds cannot be used because of the risk of failure, top government officials have told The Telegraph. “Think of the fund like a...
PESA: Government's sheathed weapon
In the least remarked upon move by the government to take on the development challenge in left-wing extremist (LWE) areas, Sudha Pillai was elevated to member-secretary of the Planning Commission on the eve of her retirement from the IAS. A topper in her batch, Sudha was initially posted to her home state of Punjab and then moved to Kerala after her marriage to her batchmate, present home secretary Gopal Pillai....
More »India 'diverts funds for poor to pay for Delhi games' by Chris Morris
Tens of millions of dollars have been diverted in India from schemes to fight poverty and used to fund Delhi's Commonwealth Games, a report says. The Housing and Land Rights Network pressure group says its report is based on official documents obtained under India's right to information act. The group says there should be an independent inquiry into how this was allowed to happen. Government officials in Delhi say they are...
More »Pests explosion leads to call for GM review by Ian Sample
Farmland struck by infestations of bugs following widespread adoption of Bt cotton made by biotech giant Monsanto. Scientists are calling for the long-term risks of GM crops to be reassessed after field studies reveaLED an explosion in pest numbers around farms growing modified strains of cotton. The unexpected surge of infestations “highlights a critical need” for better ways of predicting the impact of GM crops and spotting potentially damaging knock-on effects...
More »Peasants in India by D Bandyopadhyay
In India peasantry is under assault. There is a five-pronged attack on this class and the mighty Indian state is sometimes an active and sometimes a passive abettor. The first point of attack is from the corporate sector. The corporate sector is in a land grab mode. Though not justified, one could understand their urge to get land for industry and real estate purposes. Not that they are causing aggressive...
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