-The Hindu Business Line Barring few cases, large haircuts of 70-90 per cent are continuing to hurt banks While the Centre’s decision to frontload capital infusion of Rs 70,000 crore into PSBs has boosted sentiment, unless there is quick resolution of large accounts under IBC, this may achieve little. What is of more concern, is the paltry amount that banks have been realising from the resolution of accounts under IBC. A look at...
Character of our nation is on test -Aruna Roy and Nachiket Udupa
-National Herald Those of us who care for integrity, principle and constitutional values as citizens of India have a huge task ahead. When Independence was dreamt of, it must have seemed impossible “Being part of a democratic government is hard. Being a citizen is hard. It is a challenge. It’s supposed to be. There’s no respite from our ideals. All of us are called to live up to our expectations for ourselves...
More »How Consultative Has India's RCEP Strategy Really Been? -Albertina Almeida
-TheWire.in There is little doubt that the smaller stakeholders and businesses within India's informal economy have the most to lose, and yet their voices are not being heard. “Concluding RCEP [Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership] this year is the region’s ‘collective interest and highest priority’”, trade ministers of the proposed pact are reported to have announced after their meeting in China in early August 2019. India was interestingly not represented by trade minister Piyush...
More »What happened to poverty during the first term of Modi? -Himanshu
-Livemint.com Consumption declined over the period 2014-18, confirming fears that people ended up worse off Various data from the financial to the corporate sector over the last two months are confirming the worst fears of a sharp decline in demand in the economy. With stagnant investment and exports, there are clear signs of a sustained slowdown. Most of this was well known to anybody following the Indian economy, barring the government, which...
More »Paddy, tube wells and depleting groundwater: Why Punjab's water resources are under strain -Vikas Vasudeva
-The Hindu Rice cultivation in Punjab, which thrived in the past due to the easy availability of water resources and free supply of electricity to farmers, is under considerable strain now. Vikas Vasudeva examines how overexploitation has made groundwater not only scarce but also increasingly alkaline. Gurmeet Singh, 60, a tall land-owning farmer in Bhattiwal Khurd village, which is located in Punjab’s Sangrur district, has yet again planted the water-guzzling paddy crop...
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