-PTI Chief Justice of India Justice Altamas Kabir today said that the Delhi gangrape incident on December 13 was not 'unique', but one among many. "What happened on December 16 in Delhi was sad and bad and something extraordinary, but at the same time not unique. This was made into a kind of an iconic situation," Kabir said at an event organised by the Calcutta High Court here to mark International Women's...
Our bodies, our selves -Nilanjana S Roy
-The Hindu Until we embrace the idea of consent in all relationships, including marriage, there can be no gender equality. Its absence makes discussions on sexual abuse meaningless The man who was my abuser was a fine host, a good husband, a caring father, a respected elder whose generosity and kindness were as genuine as the fact of the abuse. These qualities were important, because they helped him conceal the abuse he...
More »Ania Loomba, Professor at University of Pennsylvania interviewed by Niharika Mandhana
-The New York Times Blog On March 23, when students and prominent Indians meet at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania for the India Economic Forum, one person will be conspicuous by his absence: Narendra Modi. The chief minister of Gujarat was invited to join the conference via Skype to discuss Gujarat’s development model, but student organizers of the annual conference withdrew their invitation on Sunday after a few University...
More »Fleeting victory, constant fear-Santosh Singh
-The Indian Express Nagri, Bhojpur: Residents of Nagri in Bihar’s Bhojpur had spent 12 years waiting for justice after the killing of 10 people, nine of them of scheduled castes and OBCs and one a Muslim, during a caste attack on May 11, 1998. And after they felt justice had finally come, it proved short-lived. “First, we had to wait 12 years before the lower court finally handed the death sentence to...
More »For liberals and leftists, NaMo is still 'No Go' area -Chidanand Rajghatta
-The Times of India WASHINGTON: For liberal, leftist torchbearers, NaMo is still No Go — even virtual contact is anathema. The man at the center of the agitation resulting in Wharton Business School cancelling the keynote address by Gujarat chief minister Narendra Modi (NaMo for headline writers and tweeple) has a long record of liberal activism, and believes the decision by the alumni enhances the prestige of both the students and the...
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