-The Hindu The Election Commission (EC) has detected 42 cases of "paid news" during the Karnataka Assembly poll. Briefing Journalists, a spokesman of the Commission said during the run up to the poll 71 suspected cases of paid news were found, of which notices were issued in 61 cases. Finally, the Commission was able to confirm 42 such cases, with Dakshina Kannada district reporting as many as 11 cases. A total of Rs. 21...
Jharkhand family grapples with encounter death of son -Anumeha Yadav
-The Hindu Gumla (Jharkhand): There had been an employees' strike at the college since February. Mukesh Sahu, 21, a second-year B.Sc. student, spent the Thursday afternoon in March running errands at Gumla market. As he sat down near the town pond to catch up with his college friends, his phone rang. "Naveen has been shot. The police shot him." It was his uncle, a couple of years older than him,...
More »Vinod Rai, Comptroller & Auditor General interviewed by The Business Standard
-The Business Standard Comptroller & Auditor General Vinod Rai, who has put the government on the mat several times in the past three years, says an auditor is meant to be adversarial. On the sidelines of the inauguration of the International Centre for Environment Audit and Sustainable Development in Jaipur on Saturday, Rai, whose term as the CAG ends on May 22, spoke to Journalists about his stint, retirement plans and...
More »Roar on rivals, silence on own ranks
-The Telegraph Kolkata: Mamata Banerjee today waved at a rally photographs and newspaper advertisements that she claimed established "links" between CPM leaders and the Saradha Group and other deposit-mobilising companies, but steered clear of commenting on Trinamul's alleged connections with such entities. Addressing her first public meeting since the Saradha crisis unfolded, the chief minister did not mention if she was planning action against Trinamul leaders whose names have cropped up in...
More »CVC is CBI's supervisor, not Law Ministry -Rohini Singh & Aman Sharma
-The Economic Times The CBI manual contradicts the government's stance that it did no wrong in vetting the draft status report of the agency's probe in the coal allocation case, say legal experts, former CBI officials and activists. The manual says while CBI's superintendence is vested in the central government, its supervising authority is the Central Vigilance Commission in case of investigation of offences alleged to have been committed under the...
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