-BBC Seven men who were held in connection with a blast in the Indian state of Maharashtra have been released on bail, five years after they were arrested. The blast in Malegaon town killed 37 people and injured 125 others. Investigating agencies did not oppose the bail pleas of the seven Muslim men after a Hindu holy man was arrested last year in connection with the blast. Swami Aseemanand allegedly confessed to the bombings,...
Malegaon blasts accused want dignity back
The enduring memory that he has of his father is when the police took him away from the dinner table as the family had just sat down to eat their food. “He had barely put the first morsel in his mouth when the police came to pick him up. After that day five years ago, it will be today that the entire family will again have food together,” 11-year-old Osama Raees...
More »Manipur government has to wrest authority back from armed thugs by Abheek Barman
Here in Delhi, you can buy a litre of petrol for a little less than Rs 69. A cylinder of cooking gas costsRs 405. But there's one state capital where petrol costs Rs 200 a litre and gas a staggeringRs 2,000 a cylinder. That city is Imphal, the capital of our easternmost state, Manipur. Since August 1, the state has been hostage to a withering siege: a blockage of two...
More »Ex-Team Anna members plan new movement against corruption by Sunny Sebastian
“It will be an apolitical, secular movement with a pro-poor slant” A new group of crusaders against corruption is likely to emerge after a meeting at the Gandhi Peace Foundation in Delhi this Friday. Some of the former members of the India Against Corruption movement's core group, including Waterman Rajendra Singh, land rights activist P.V. Rajagopal, Medha Patkar and Magsaysay Award winner Sandeep Pandey are likely to attend the meeting which...
More »India court shocked at Pakistanis held without charge
-BBC India's Supreme Court has expressed shock at the number of Pakistanis being held in Indian jails without charge. At least 250 Pakistani nationals are being held, some for many years, with one case involving a PRIsoner behind bars for more than 40 years. The court ordered the government to file a comprehensive report on the PRIsoners within two weeks. The court was hearing a petition by a party from Jammu and Kashmir, where...
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