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Note placed by CPI(M) at all-party meeting on the issue of Lokpal

-The Hindu   Following is the note placed by the CPI(M) at the all-party meeting held by the Government on the issue of the Lokpal today. August 24, 2011 Stand of the Communist Party of India (Marxist) Lokpal: For An Effective Anti-Corruption Body Introduction Corruption has become a major public concern in the wake of successive scams unfolding over the past few years. In a country like India, where millions of people still suffer from acute poverty,...

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For a strong and effective Lokpal by Prakash Karat

The Anna Hazare fast has seen an outpouring of support across the country. The government Lokpal Bill is unacceptable. A fresh Bill is needed for an effective Lokpal. There has been an outpouring of support all over the country in favour of the fast conducted by Anna Hazare for the Jan Lokpal Bill. The agitation has found support predominantly from the urban middle classes and a substantial section of youth belonging...

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Lokpal logjam: PM walks extra mile, Anna Hazare unmoved by Himanshi Dhawan

Hopes of a resolution to the Anna-government standoff flickered from time to time on Thursday but eventually it remained unclear when the Gandhian would call off his 10-day fast. The eyeball-to-eyeball confrontation was continuing till midnight. The Prime Minister first raised hopes by offering to bring the Jan Lokpal Bill, as drafted by Team Anna, for discussion in Parliament. But this was rebuffed by Anna Hazare who insisted on an assurance...

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SC rap on Bengal

-The Telegraph   The Supreme Court has expressed disappointment over the Bengal government’s approach to its orders on rehabilitating sex workers, saying they needed skills to earn a livelihood instead of being sent to welfare homes. “They must be provided a marketable technical skill so they can earn their livelihood instead of selling their bodies. Merely sending them to homes is sending them to starvation. We were, therefore, disappointed by the approach of...

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Do not yield to mobocracy; Lokpal cannot end corruption by TK Arun

Barring the very corrupt, everyone would support the ongoing campaign against corruption. But not either Team Anna's specific solution or the means it employs. In fact, there is every reason to oppose and condemn the move to blackmail the government into conceding a very flawed demand. A monolithic, all-powerful body that would hold every functionary of the state including the judiciary to account, and investigate and prosecute them if necessary, while...

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