-PTI A local court today acquitted 40 accused, including senior BJP leaders, in the first ever communal riots case in the state, which had occurred in the twin towns of Curchorem-Sanvordem in 2006. The sessions court at Margao acquitted 40 accused, including BJP general secretary Satish Dhond and senior leader Sharmad Raiturcar. The accused had been charged with unlawful assembly, MISchief and criminal trespass. Riots had erupted after a mob demolished a madrassa...
Sights on licence to drive, not kill-Sobhana K
The government is planning to tighten the rules for issuing and renewing driving licences to make the process “fudge proof” after a study showed drivers’ fault accounted for most road accidents in the country. A committee of state transport comMISsioners and officials from the National Informatics Centre recently came up with suggestions on possible amendments to the rules. The panel, headed by Andhra Pradesh transport comMISsioner Hiralal Samariya, has submitted its report...
More »Low water farming-Sreelatha Menon
A new report underlines the benefits of organic farming in the age of climate change While addressing a conference on the National Water Week this week, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh underlined the brewing water crisis. It could as well have been called the ‘National Water Weak’ — for this precious commodity for life is struggling to survive. The maximum blame for wastage of water is often put at the doors of...
More »Gadchiroli’s trudging doctors spell hope-Pramit Bhattacharya
A healthcare model relying mainly on people from within the community to provide care is reaping success One of India’s most backward districts and Maharashtra’s worst ranked in human development indicators, Gadchiroli, today finds itself at the forefront of a healthcare revolution that can potentially save millions of infant lives and help India rapidly reduce her abysmal infant mortality rate (IMR). Under the aegis of the National Rural Health MISsion (NRHM), India...
More »Ministry to challenge in apex court Adarsh panel report on land title
-The Hindu The Defence Ministry will challenge a judicial comMISsion's findings on ownership of the plot of land where the controversial Adarsh Housing Society here was constructed. The two-member comMISsion has concluded that though the Ministry was in possession of the land, the owner is the Maharashtra government. (The origins of the Adarsh Housing Society scam go back to February 2000. Though the housing complex was meant for serving and retired defence personnel,...
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