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Dalits enter TN temple first time in 100 yrs by V Mayilvaganan

NAGAPATTINAM: For the first time in a hundred years, dalits of Chettipulam village stepped inside the local Shiva temple on Tuesday, in a historic moment brought about by government and political intervention. Escorted by revenue and police officers, nearly 70 dalits of the village situated near Vedaranyam in Nagapattinam district entered the century-old Kamatchi Amman Sametha Ekambareswarar Temple at around 11 am and offered prayers for 25 minutes. Dressed in...

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Production of Kharif foodgrain may fall 16%

The country’s kharif foodgrain production is expected to decline to 98 million tonnes this year from 117.7 million tonnes produced in kharif 2008, Centre for Monitoring Indian Economy (CMIE) said here. “Decline in acreage and expected fall in yield will lead to a 16% drop in kharif foodgrain production. It is expected to fall to 98 million tonnes from 117.7 million tonnes produced in kharif 2008,” CMIE said. The kharif...

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Diary of Digging Dirt

Why would a politician turn cheerleader for those trying to dig dirt against the men and women who form the final but vital link in his political supply chain - the sarpanches or village heads? Perhaps to show his commitment to the government program he owes his job to. This month, Bhilwara in Rajasthan saw something best described as 'social service' meets 'crack investigation': around 1500 people voluntarily gathered and...

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India's single women unite against gender inequities

Breaking decades of silence over unjust social norms, widowed, abandoned and destitute women from different states in India came together at the national capital to launch the National Forum for Single Women's Rights to demand food, healthcare, employment and rights to property. It has been more than eight years since the January 2001 earthquake struck the Indian state of Gujarat, but Hansa Rathore still cannot quite shake off memories of...

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Planning Commission drafting reforms for NREGA

Primarily to address issues related to spending and implementation India’s apex planning body is drawing up a set of proposed reforms for the country’s flagship rural job guarantee programme, primarily to address issues related to spending and implementation. The changes proposed under the National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (NREGA) will be sent to Prime Minister Manmohan Singh by the end of this month for consideration, said Mihir Shah, member, Planning...

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