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Centre tells States to lift PDS food grain stock for 6 months

-The Hindu It lacks facility to store 20 million tonnes of grains, says Minister Crippled by the lack of storage facility for about 20 million tonnes of food grains, the Centre has asked States to lift PDS food grains necessary for at least the next six months. After participating in a seminar on ‘Food security – role of standards’, organised by the Bureau of Indian Standards here on Wednesday, Minister of State for...

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States Asked to Lift PDS Foodgrains Needed For 6 Months

-PTI Faced with acute shortage of storage capacity, the Centre today asked states to lift PDS foodgrains needed for at least six months and build intermediate godowns to ease pressure on Food Corporation of India godowns. "We have requested state governments to offtake at least six months of foodgrains needed for PDS. Our storage capacity of FCI is 64 million tonnes and our present stock is about 82-83 million tonnes," Minister of...

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How the Land Acquisition Bill will impact farmers-KP Narayana Kumar

-CNN-IBN Passing through Bulandshahar, a rapidly urbanising district in Uttar Pradesh known for its rustic politics and dairying, this reporter chanced upon a group of farmers sitting in protest outside a newly constructed apartment. The farmers occupied a tent that was erected outside the apartment complex. Their complaint was that they were being coerced to sell land for cheap by private players. "We will get only a measly Rs 20 lakh per...

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India’s demand for equity finds place in Rio+20 draft-Nitin Sethi

-The Times of India The draft declaration for theRio+20 summit, with India's demands of reasserting equity and the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities (CBDR) finding place in the text was accepted by the negotiators from more than 180 countries a day ahead of the meeting of the heads of states on Wednesday. With the negotiators of influential countries and blocks not pushing for more changes, sources in the Indian delegation suggested,...

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The enigma of Indian engineering-James Trevelyan

A narrow education is making engineers oblivious to the importance of human interaction and raising the cost of even simple tasks My time in South Asia has rewarded me with an enigma: why is engineering so expensive here? Why is it often many times more expensive than in Australia, my home? My search for answers led me to shanty towns on the fringes of mega-cities. We compared an award winning Indian factory...

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