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As Jaisalmer villagers fight for sacred grove, a larger question looms -Aastha Maggu

-Down to Earth Allocation of village land for the development of solar and wind parks at the cost of pasture land is detrimental for villages Residents of Devikot village in Rajasthan’s Jaisalmer district are fighting to protect a sacred grove that caters to the forage requirements of more than 35,000 large and small animals in the area. Sacred groves are areas of natural vegetation protected by village communities due to religious reasons. Historically,...

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Covid-19 cases growing fastest in India among worst-affected countries -Rukmini S and Nikhil Rampal Despite government claims, coronavirus cases are growing fastest in India among the worst affected countries, and improvements in India have plateaued.   Chenai/ New Delhi: Most discussions on India’s Covid-19 outbreak centre on the high number of cases, now third in the world after the United States and Brazil. The messaging from the government has been that things are getting better. However, a broader look at the month’s data shows that...

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MGNREGA softens the blow -Sanjeev Singh Bariana

-The Tribune The job guarantee scheme kept the rural sector afloat during the pandemic-induced lockdown. The number of people employed under MGNREGA in Punjab has gone up considerably. AMID the Covid crisis, the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA) has sustained thousands of villagers who had been rendered jobless across Punjab. These also include the youth who returned to villages after they lost their jobs in towns and cities. After the...

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Record Harvest, Record Stocks; Yet, Why Are People Hungry? -Subodh Varma It is beyond belief and understanding why the government is refusing to distribute the mountain of food grain stocks sitting in its warehouses. India produced a record cereal harvest of nearly 273 million tonnes in 2019-20, a jump of 10 million tonnes over the preceding year. While rice production increased marginally, both wheat and coarse grains showed notable increases. Besides these, the production of pulses increased by nearly a million tonnes...

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Mandi arrivals drop sharply, raise concerns about hoarding -Rajalakshmi Nirmal

-The Hindu Business Line With farmers selling more produce outside mandis, there is no record of transactions Arrivals in mandis across the country are significantly lower this year. Only five-to-seven bags out of every 10 of grains, pulses and spices, produced by farmers, have come to the market in the last six months. An analysis of the production, procurement and mandi arrival numbers indicates that there is a large quantity of unaccounted floating...

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