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Rural wage growth lowest in 3 years -Manas Chakravarty There isn’t any big base effect at work here, so the fall in wage growth is the result either of less demand for rural labour or more supply. Either way, it points to rural distress If economic growth is picking up, as all experts agree, why is growth in rural wages faltering? The accompanying chart shows that growth in rural wages for men, taken as the simple average wage rate for...

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Political funding and a deadly stir -Dushyant Sterlite protests have raised some troubling questions: why was ‘illegal’ foreign funding legalised and why was Vedanta given an extension? In 2013, India witnessed what many believe was an organic, mass movement against corruption in politics. Many people viewed one party as thoroughly corrupt and started looking at its main rival with some hope. They thought this second party deserved be voted to power. In March 2014, the Delhi High Court...

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In Bundelkhand Villages, Women Still Waiting for Ujjwala Yojana Benefits -Khabar Lahariya With no cylinders sanctioned, traditional cooking techniques are still used. The Pradhan Mantri Ujjwala Yojana, the flagship programme under the aegis of the Central Government and promoted as Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s initiative, is a much celebrated policy. It garnered praise in the WHO pollution report just last month, and a National Geographic documentary – chronicling the impact of the yojana on the lives of four women across India – is...

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Whether It's Health or Crops, India Isn't Doing Social Insurance Right -Satya N Mohanty The Modi Government is pushing insurance schemes in both health and agriculture. But are they really making a difference? How successful, effective and equitable is insurance as a state policy? Does it address what it is meant to address in the first place, be it in health or agriculture? How does it handle systemic risk, which is essentially uninsurable? Does it also present a lost opportunity for improving the delivery of...

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Dr. Samir Chaudhuri, paediatrician and founder of Child in Need Institute (CINI), interviewed by Civil Society News (New Delhi)

-Civil Society News New Delhi: In 1974, Dr Samir Chaudhuri, a paediatrician working in Kolkata’s slums, founded Child in Need Institute (CINI) to tackle the many dimensions of child malnutrition. It struck him at the time that malnutrition wasn’t just a clinical problem but a complex phenomenon rooted in gender issues. Over the years, led by Dr Chaudhuri, CINI developed deep understanding of the social, economic and political underpinnings of malnutrition...

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