John Vidal, who was in Rio for the '92 Earth summit, looks back at that momentous event, and how the 2012 version compares Helicopters thundered up and down the chic Copacabana and Ipanema beaches. Tanks guarded the bridges and tunnels. The favelas were in lockdown, schools closed and supermarkets stood empty. Unexpectedly, George H W Bush, the 41st US president, flush with success at the collapse of communism, had arrived in...
Timothy Wirth, member of Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon’s High-Level Group on Sustainable Energy for All and the UN Foundation’s President interviewed by UN News Centre
-The United Nations World leaders, along with thousands of participants from governments, the private sector, non-governmental organizations and other groups will come together from 20-22 June in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, to take part in the UN Sustainable Development Conference (Rio+20). The Conference aims to shape how countries and their citizens can reduce poverty, advance social equity and ensure environmental protection to achieve long-term growth. Seven key areas have been identified by the...
More »New technology a must for producing clean fuel-Lijee Philip
-The Economic Times It is not uncommon for Indian companies to encounter situations that require ingenious engineering combined with a uniquely Indian approach to problem solving. Automobile companies around the world have developed some exquisitely advanced diesel engine technologies, but Indian companies had to go one step ahead. More than a decade ago, as Indian car manufacturers began improving their diesel engines, some of their customers tried to reverse their efforts by...
More »Education activists campaign for common school system
-The Times of India CHENNAI: Activists campaigning for universal education on Monday called for a common school system that would offer education free of cost for all children in the country and help stop the commercialization of education. Briefing reporters about an all India conference to be held in the city on June 30 and July 1, All India Forum for Right To Education presidium member Anil Sadgopal said, "There is widespread...
More »'GM' label on packaged food soon-Jayashree Nandi
Soon Indian consumers will have the opportunity to know whether the packaged food that they are buying contains genetically modified organisms. But will that help? In India, where a majority of food is unprocessed and non-packaged, labeling on packaged food may hardly cover the huge populations' right to choose. A gazette notification issued by the ministry of consumer affairs, food and public distribution early this month says that every food package...
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