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Prof. Abhijit Sen, economist and former chairman of the Commission for Agricultural Costs and Prices, interviewed by The Economic Times

-The Economic Times In a chat with ET Now, Abhijit Sen, Professor, JNU, says this is a whole SECtor in which there are very large cash demands for production at one or two points in time and this happens to be one. Edited excerpts * The government has hiked MSPs for rabi crop. How do you see the impact of higher MSPs for output and demand for rabi playing out? The increases are normal...

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Picking up the pieces -Pronab Sen

-Ideas for India In an earlier article, Pronab Sen, Country Director, IGC India Central, examined some of the economic consequences of the recent demonetisation of Rs. 1,000 and 500 notes in India, and concluded that the potential damage could be substantial, both in terms of growth and equity. In this article, focussing on solutions, he contends that the government now needs to realise that credit for production purposes is at least as,...

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Demonetisation has left India's food markets frozen - and the future looks tense -M Rajshekhar & Abhishek Dey The liquidity crisis has affected both the trade in food and the planting of the winter crop. As demonetisation enters its SECond week, traders in Patna’s Maroofganj mandi are seeing something unprecedented. In the last seven days, the supply of new stocks in this wholesale market, which supplies cooking oil, spices, rice, wheat and pulses to shopkeepers across Patna, has plummeted. The supply of cooking oil, for instance, is down by 80%. Talk...

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Informal credit systems: Modi has crippled a very Indian way of doing business -Ajaz Ashraf The disruptive impact of the demonetisation policy is most evident in Varanasi’s sari-fabric industry. Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s decision to demonetise high-denomination notes has delivered a crippling blow to the uniquely Indian system of financing business. This outcome is ironic for the prime minister whose party, the Bharatiya Janata Party, is forever engaged in extolling India’s contribution to knowledge in ancient times and singing praises of Indian culture. From Delhi to Varanasi...

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Distract from Ineffectual Governance, Say Civil Society Members -Nehmat Kaur As the unorganised SECtor continues suffering, civil society members, bankers and politicians remain sceptical of demonetisation’s impact on black money. It is no SECret that India’s informal SECtor, a largely cash-based economy, has taken a big hit because of demonetisation. While the government insists that the suffering is only temporary and worth it for cracking down on black money, several representatives from the unorganised SECtor are presenting a starkly different account...

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