-TheNewsMinute.com 38-year-old Azhar Maqsusi is famous across the city and the country for relentlessly feeding hundreds of people every day. What do you do when you see children begging at a traffic junction in a crowded city? What would happen if you give them ‘two rotis’ instead of money? This is exactly what 38-year-old Azhar Maqsusi from Hyderabad has been advocating for the past one year, with his ‘do roti’ (two rotis) campaign....
Odisha tribal organisations protest against draft CAF Rules -Ishan Kukreti
-Down to EARTh The protests are in opposition to the vague position of the Rules on forest-dwelling communities in the compensatory afforestation process The draft Compensatory Afforestation Fund Rules, 2018, notified by the Union Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change (MoEF&CC) on February 16, have sparked protests by tribal organisations in Odisha. The protests are due to the fact that the Rules are vague on the role of communities in...
More »Formulate comprehensive policy to stop stubble burning: NGT
-PTI The Punjab government had earlier faced the wrath of the tribunal for not taking effective steps to provide financial assistance and infrastructure facility to the farmers to encourage them not to burn agricultural residue. The National Green Tribunal (NGT) on Tuesday directed Delhi and four northern states to formulate a comprehensive policy for providing incentives and infrastructural assistance to farmers to stop them from burning crop residue to prevent air pollution. The...
More »India ranks 81st in global corruption perception index
-PTI The index uses a scale of 0 to 100, where 0 is highly corrupt and 100 is very clean. India's score in the latest ranking, however, remained unchanged at 40. In 2015, the score was 38. India has been ranked 81st in the global corruption perception index for 2017, released by Transparency International, which named the country among the “worst offenders” in terms of graft and press freedom in the Asia...
More »Assured return offers by realtors and jewellers to be treated as Ponzi -SidhARTha
-The Times of India NEW DELHI: The proposed law to crack down on Ponzi schemes will bar real estate developers that offer fixed returns till possession as well as schemes from jewellers as the government believes that they are “unregulated deposits”. The clampdown on realtors, jewellers and other deposit-seeking entities is pART of the Banning of Unregulated Deposit Schemes Bill, which was cleared by the Cabinet on Wednesday and is expected to...
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