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India way behind neighbours in hunger index

Released two days before the World Food Day i.e. 16 October, the Global Hunger Index 2013 report paints a gloomy picture of India. Its score of fighting hunger has improved only marginally in the past two decades while many of its neighbors have moved up from strength to strength. (See full report below)   The report entitled: The Challenge of Hunger: Building Resilience to achieve Food and Nutrition Security says that India...

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Prices rise, not hunger -Jitendra

-Down to Earth People prefer to eat less nutritious food than go hungry, says FAO GLOBAL CHRONIC hunger has declined significantly despite sharp increases in the prices of primary food products since 2008. Price hikes have limited effect on consumers, states Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), in the report, The State of Food Insecurity in the World. According to FAO, chronic hunger is when a person does not regularly get enough food to...

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Union budgets since 2008 show India spends 0.0009% of its GDP on disability -Moushumi Das Gupta

-The Hindustan Times Nilesh Singit, 43, completed his Master's degree in Literature from Mumbai university in 1993 and a course in information technology soon after, and thought he was ready for the job market. Responses from the initial telephonic interviews too sounded positive. Then he went for the face-to-face rounds. A cerebral palsy survivor, Singit was rejected by one company after another - for four years. Dejected, he decided to turn entrepreneur....

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Govt was alerted on water: DVC -Pinak Ghosh and Pranesh Sarkar

-The Telegraph Kolkata: The Damodar Valley Corporation (DVC) had not only alerted officials in Bengal to the possibility of releasing water from two dams four days in advance but also waited until the danger mark was crossed by four feet, a senior official of the central PSU has told The Telegraph. "The claim of the state government that it was not informed regarding the release of excess water is incorrect. The state...

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India has half the world’s modern slaves: Study

-The Times of India Sixty-six years after independence, India has the dubious distinction of being home to half the number of modern day slaves in the world. The first Global Slavery Index has estimated that 13.3 to 14.7 million people live like slaves in the country - roughly equal to the population of Kolkata. The index, published by the Australia-based Walk Free Foundation, ranked 162 countries based on three factors that include...

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