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Orange tumbles-Aparna Pallavi

Nagpur orange’s survival hinges precariously on its return to sustainable cultivation. Farmers have woken up to this, but will the government? A beaming Uday Wath hugs the trunk of his sturdy, disease-free Nagpur orange tree. All around him are trees drooping with the fruit, large and healthy. The tree trunks are singularly free of both telltale gummosis wounds and bluish white bordeaux paste, the chemical meant to prevent them. Not more than...

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Is ‘Didi’ Headed For a Fall? by Anuradha Sharma

Aamra ekhon-o boli ni kon kagoj porte hobe, kintu agami dine kintu setao bole debo. (Till now, we haven’t told which newspapers must be read, but in the future, we will do that as well.) – West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee, speaking on March 29 in defense of her government’s decision to bar all but 13 newspapers from more than 2,400 government-approved libraries across the state. “Kunal Ghosh, associate editor...

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UK aid helps to fund forced sterilisation of India's poor-Gethin Chamberlain

Money from the Department for International Development has helped pay for a controversial programme that has led to MIScarriages and even deaths after botched operations Tens of millions of pounds of UK aid money have been spent on a programme that has forcibly sterilised Indian women and men, the Observer has learned. Many have died as a result of botched operations, while others have been left bleeding and in agony. A...

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EGoM to discuss issues raised by Pawar

-The Hindu The Empowered Group of Ministers (EGoM) on Food will meet soon following a letter by Union Agriculture Minister Sharad Pawar to Prime Minister Manmohan Singh on curbs over milk, cotton and sugar exports. The EgoM is headed by Union Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee. Mr. Pawar shot off the letter to the Prime Minister after the EGoM disallowed export of cotton beyond 13 million bales for the current marketing year the...

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Bail plea of RTI activist disMISsed-

-The Hindustan Times The anticipatory bail petition of RTI activist Manoj Kumar Karwasra was disMISsed on Friday by additional sessions judge, Hisar, Sant Parkash. Karwasra had been booked under IPC sections 419, 420 and 120-B on the complaint of BS Rana, president, St Sophia School Education Society. Karwasra allegedly MISused BPL card of Jeet Ram to seek information under the RTI Act, as BPL card-holders can seek information free of cost. Police...

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