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The MSP mirage hits Maharashtra's soya farmers -Rahul Wadke

-The Hindu Business Line Mumbai: Astride soyabean sacks, 33-year-old market intermediary Parmeshwar Suryavanshi is literally at the top of his game.   Suryavanshi belongs to the set of middlemen, locally called Adityas, at the Agriculture Produce Market Committee (APMC)-controlled marketyard at Latur in Maharashtra. Below MSP prices When he raises his voice to call out bids, he also raises prices of soyabean though not quite enough to reach the minimum support price (MSP) of ?3,050/quintal....

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A unique opportunity for scribes: Apply for NFI Media Awards Programme 2018

The National Foundation for India invites application for its National Media Awards Programme, 2018. The award is for young, mid-career journalists  and will allow them to publish and research articles/ photo-essays on issues of national concern, which though important, do not receive adequate media attention.  The award supports the pursuit of in-depth, creative field research on these concerns and writing about them with adequate evidence. Under the programme, ten to twelve...

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How to double farmers income: This step is crucial to achieving target set by PM Modi -Pratap S Birthal & Jaya JuMRani

-The Financial Express By setting the target of doubling farmers’ income by 2022, the prime minister has clearly signalled a transition in agri-food policy from an excessive emphasis on foodgrain production towards improving welfare of the farming community. Given the continued excessive employment pressure, proliferation of small landholdings and growing agrarian crisis, this move is indeed an important change in the policy landscape. Doubling farmers’ income, however, requires identification of high-income...

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Mealtimes are becoming a family affair in India's Desert State -Mohammed Iqbal

-The Hindu India’s mothers are among the most malnourished in the world, but a project empowering women and fighting harmful traditions gives hope for a solution. In a small village tucked away near the Rajasthan-Gujarat border, wafts of spice once filled the air as 40-year-old Dubali Damor warmed chapatis and fried spices for her family’s evening meal. Once ready, her husband and children would tuck into plates of steaming fluffy rice and...

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Should Rajasthan's Open Prisons Be Replicated Across the Country? -Gaurav Vivek Bhatnagar A new report has recommended extending the scheme to all women, aged and infirm undertrials, claiming that it has many social and economic benefits for both the state and the inmates. A study on open prisons and parole practices in Rajasthan suggests that the “successful system,” operational in the state since 1955, be emulated across the country. The study, initiated by the Rajasthan State Legal Services Authority (RSLSA) and Rajasthan high court...

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