-BBC A university in western India has postponed a seminar on Kashmir after Hindu groups objected to its "anti-nationalist" programme. The Symbiosis University in the city of Pune also cancelled the screening of a controversial film on the Indian army's role in Kashmir. University authorities say they will "revisit and rethink" the seminar programme to make it "more balanced". Kashmir is divided into Pakistani- and Indian-administered areas. Both nations claiming the region in its entirety....
Kashmir seminar postponed after ABVP protest by Yamini Deenadayalan
Symbiosis College of Arts and Commerce postpones event after ABVP protests screening of Sanjay Kak’s Kashmir film Close on the heels of the cancellation of author Salman Rushdie’s visit to the 7th Jaipur Literature Festival due to the storm over The Satanic Verses, documentary filmmaker Sanjay Kak had to bear the brunt of Hindu fundamentalists. “Voices of Kashmir”, a seminar at the Symbiosis College of Arts and Commerce, Pune, stands indefinitely postponed...
More »Ban 2-finger test on rape victims: Panel by Mahendra K Singh
In a move aimed to protect victims of sexual abuse from further mental trauma, a high powered government committee has recommended abolishing the "two finger test" for determining rape or sexual assault. Rape survivors are routinely subjected to forensic examination that include the "finger" test. Social activists have for long been demanding a ban on the "archaic and outdated" practice. They termed the test "unscientific and degrading". In a bid to protect...
More »Study funds
-The Telegraph The Planning Commission has set up a committee to suggest an increase in corporate funding for higher education and research. Such funding, mostly seen in developed countries, has remained low in India. The government has so far been the main source of funds for the sector but it is now finding it difficult given the scale of expansion required. The committee, headed by N.R. Narayanamurthy, will develop a framework for engagement...
More »Outrage over Police Medal to SP Ankit Garg
-Hardnews Bureau Delhi The announcement of the President’s Police Medal for Gallantry for Ankit Garg, the SP of Dantewada is a reflection of the sad state of the Indian Republic as it celebrates its 63rd Republic Day. It is indeed shocking to see that a police officer who was accused of brutalising and torturing the young Adivasi teacher, Soni Sori, is being lauded by the State even after reports of perversity...
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