Total Matching Records found : 9389

Stepping up pace on the long road to TB control -Virander S Chauhan

-The Hindu Tuberculosis (TB) has remained a major infectious disease in developing and poor countries despite all efforts from Health agencies to manage and control it. In fact, even an easy and effective way to diagnose the disease has remained a challenge. Emergence of drug resistant strains has made its management more complex. The steps It makes the situation in countries like India, with the highest TB burden in the world, even more...

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Private Health care no panacea -Aarti Dhar

-The Hindu India ranks among the lowest in the world in public spending on Health, but the private spending is one of the highest. The National Sample Survey Organisation’s report (2006) shows over 35 per cent of people who are hospitalised fall below the poverty line because of the expenses that follow, and over 40 per cent have to borrow or sell assets to pay for their care. Private sector provision...

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Getting India’s Health care system out of the ICU -Gita Sen

-The Hindu Brazil, Mexico and Thailand have done it. Many countries with a sound understanding of development look at Universal Health Coverage as a vital requirement to achieve it. India is at a crossroads. Introducing UHC in the 12th Plan can transform the lives of Indians, create new jobs and galvanise the economy. Most people would agree that one’s income or caste or gender should not bar one’s ability to get decent...

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Patients lose out to patents & profits -Deepa Kurup

-The Hindu A 2012 WHO study ranks India third — behind Myanmar and Bangladesh — among countries that fail to provide Health cover to people. A 2011 study reported in The Lancet on ‘Healthcare and equity’ confirms this: every year, at least 39 million people here fall into poverty due to private out-of-pocket Health expenditure. A vast majority of Indians do not have access to Healthcare or essential drugs. By the...

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Clearances for KKNPP are not arbitrary: HC -KT Sangameswaran

-The Hindu Says Central, State Governments have taken safety measures The Atomic Energy Regulatory Board (AERB), the Union Ministry of Environment and Forests and the Tamil Nadu Pollution Control Board have applied their mind in all clearances and statutorily passed various orders relating to the Kudankulam Nuclear Power Project (KKNPP). There is no scope for the Madras High Court to presume that the orders are arbitrary, a Division Bench has held. Passing orders...

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