Total Matching Records found : 10089

On World Food Day, UN focuses on agricultural cooperatives to end global hunger

-The United Nations Amid economic crises, climatic shocks, and high and volatile Food prices in a world of plenty where nearly 870 million people still go hungry, the United Nations today marked World Food Day by highlighting agricultural cooperatives as vital weapon in the war on poverty and hunger. “Owned by their members, they can generate employment, alleviate poverty, and empower poor and marginalized groups in rural areas, especially women, to drive...

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Ganga is now a deadly source of cancer, study says

-The Economic Times KOLKATA: The holy Ganga is a poison river today. It's so full of killer pollutants that those living along its banks in Uttar Pradesh, Bihar and Bengal are more prone to cancer than anywhere else in the country, says a recent study.  Conducted by the National Cancer Registry Programme (NCRP) under the Indian Council of Medical Research, the national study throws up shocking findings. The river is thick with...

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Govt to switch to cash transfers to deal with an unwieldy subsidy bill -Siddharth & Surojit Gupta

-The Times of India The government is set to step up its push for cash transfer of subsidies and adopt it as a policy doctrine in the run-up to elections, with two pilot projects validating the assumption that it would lead to significant savings for the government while enhancing benefits for users. A pilot project for cooking gas in Mysore run by state-run oil companies saw the number of connections dropping 40%...

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Haryana khap blames consumption of chowmein for rapes -Manveer Saini

-The Times of India CHANDIGARH: A khap panchayat in Haryana's Jind district has blamed consumption of chowmein behind the growing incidents ofrapes in the state saying it leads to hormonal imbalance. "To my understanding, consumption of fast Food contributes to such incidents. Chowmein leads to hormonal imbalance evoking an urge to indulge in such acts," said Jitender Chhatar, a resident of Jind's Chhatar village and thua khap panchayat leader. "You also know the...

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Small infections cost Indians Rs 69,000 crore a year -Pratibha Masand

-The Times of India India loses Rs 69,000 crore a year—more than twice the sum of Rs 34,488 crore it set aside for the country's health budget in 2012—to small infections. What's more, an estimated 38 crore of its citizens catch small infections with the result that they lose 162 crore workdays every year. This is the shocking finding of a recent London School of Economics study that puts a question mark...

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