The draft agreement being discussed ahead of December’s crucial Copenhagen summit is long, confusing and contradictory. It is a blueprint to save the world. And yet it is long, confusing and contradictory. Negotiators have released a draft version of a new global agreement on climate change, which is widely billed as the last chance to save the planet from the ravages of global warming. Running to some 200 pages, the...
How to Minimise Displacement through Alternative Patterns of Development by Bharat Dogra
Displacement has become a leading source of discontent and impoverishment in India and many other developing countries. In the case of some vulnerable groups like tribals, it is perhaps the leading source of poverty and discontent resulting in widespread violence in several places. Thus policies which promote large-scale displacement not only increase poverty, these are also a threat to peace and democracy. Unfortunately it has been taken for granted by many...
More »Farmers’ suicides continue in Vidarbha despite relief package
Five farmers committed suicide from the Vidarbha region of Maharastra within the last two days of the month of August, 2009. The farmers who committed suicides belonged to the districts for which special relief package was being announced recently. According to a press note circulated by the Vidarbha People’s Movement Committee, within the last 48 hours of August, farmers were forced to commit suicide as they faced crop failures owing...
More »Damned projects of Uttarakhand
Just when everyone thought that the debate over large dams was settled against displacement, mega dams are back in business. Refusing to learn from our own mistakes are the three newly created states, Uttarakhand, Jharkhand and Chattisgarh. The three states are locked in battles against one another to attract foreign direct investment (FDI) to construct several large dams and barrages ostensibly to give a push to a new wave of...
More »Public-private partnership deals no longer confidential by Chitrangada Choudhury
The details of agreements signed by governments with private organisations to execute projects can no longer be kept secret, the Central Information Commission (CIC) has ruled. If a right to information (RTI) application is moved seeking the relevant information, it will have to be provided. The decision is likely to have far-reaching and potentially damaging implications as private companies may well shy away from such close scrutiny of their financial...
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