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Industry skill training for rural youth by Cithara Paul

Highlights of the skill development programme * All rural youths in BPL category eligible * Govt. assures placement for at least 75 percent trainees * Youths to get training on technical and soft skills * MoUs with industrial houses to ensure placements * 75 percent expense to be borne by Centre, Rest by state governments The Centre is firming up a skill development scheme for poor rural youth who will be given technical training by the...

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Report notes decline in media freedom in South Asia by Anita Joshua

Sri Lankan journalists suffered worst by all standards Tendency to sell news space for trivia grew in India A dozen journalists were killed in South Asia — most of them in conflict situations — during the year which also saw the media come under strain due to “over-commercialisation, monopolisation and excessive political clout.” Taking stock of the circumstances under which the media functioned this year, the South Asia Media Monitor for 2009...

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The imminent food crisis by AV Rajwade

The current food inflation is a result of food output growth not keeping pace with population growth Few recall that, just last month, there was a food security summit in Rome. In sharp contrast to the almost overwhelming coverage of the Copenhagen climate summit, it attracted far lesser attention from the heads of governments, as also from the media. This is somewhat strange as a food (and water) crisis can hit...

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Oilcos to cook up deadly mix of kerosene for poor by Durbar Ganguly

Toxin-mixed fuel may deter adulterators but will pose danger to users After indirectly helping adulterators for seven long months to make money by diverting the kerosene meant for BPL families for mixing it with diesel, oil marketing companies (OMCs) are now thinking of introducing chemical markers which are hazardous for health and environment. The OMCs argued that during the technical evaluation of the markers, the hazardous chemicals would be removed....

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Rural Industrialisation as the ‘Mahayana’ of International Cooperation: A World Waiting to be Born by Saurabh Kumar

The following piece was written for the UNIDO’s General Conference that took place in Vienna this month but could not be carried by any of the international papers because of a slight delay, although some feel its contents may not be ideologically palatable to them. Hence it is being carried here for the benefit of our readers. —Editor A highly positive sum game awaits the community of nations if an internationally...

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