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Tamil Nadu spends twice as much as Karnataka on child's meal by Bageshree S S.

Allocation for a child in anganwadi in State is Rs. 4 a day With food prices going northward, a cup of coffee in Bangalore, on an average, costs Rs. 10 today. In such a SITuation, how well can a child in an anganwadi in Karnataka be fed on an allocation of Rs. 4 per day? While anganwadi workers in Karnataka are struggling to provide nutritious diet to children on Rs. 3.90 (with...

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FDI in retail will harm small farmers, says agri marketing body

-PTI State agriculture marketing boards today said FDI inmulti-brand retail will harm farmers, particularly small and marginal peasants. "Farmers are certainly going to be affected if FDI into multi-brand retail is given a go-ahead. It will mainly cause concerns to small and marginal farmers who have less than four hectares of land," the National Council of State Agricultural Marketing Boards (COSAMB) Managing Director S S Randhawa said while addressing a farmers' meet...

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Chronic famishment by CP Chandrasekhar

National Sample Survey Organisation's report on the average calorie intake per person in Indian households points to a much higher incidence of poverty in the country than reflected in estimates of the proportion of the population below the official "poverty" line. Among the features that sully India’s “growth story” is the persistence and possible worsening of malnutrition in the country. The subsistence nutritional intake adopted when defining the official poverty line...

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Tribal student at AIIMS hangs self by Durgesh Nandan Jha

A first-year MBBS student at the All India Institute of Medical Sciences, who hailed from a village in Rajasthan and was the second topper in the Scheduled Tribe category at the all-India medical entrance test, allegedly committed suicide by hanging himself from the ceiling fan of his hostel room on Saturday.  Anil Kumar Meena, 22, was reportedly struggling to cope with the English-medium teaching at the institute. His friends and family...

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Delhi court dismisses objectionable content case against Yahoo

-PTI A Delhi court on Monday dismissed a case against Internet giant Yahoo for allegedly hosting objectionable content on its SITe and penalised the petitioner for dragging it in the litigation along with other social networking SITes. Administrative civil judge Praveen Singh imposed a cost of Rs 5000 on plaintiff Mufti Aijas Arshad Quasmi for impleading the company as a party without disclosing any cause of action against it. The court had on...

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