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Why Novartis case will help innovation-Achal Prabhala and Sudhir Krishnaswamy

-The Hindu The Supreme Court judgment on Glivec is a blow for a patent regime with a higher threshold of inventiveness On April 1, 2013, the Supreme Court upheld the Intellectual Property Appellate Board's decision to deny patent protection to Novartis's application covering a beta crystalline form of imatinib -the medicine Novartis brands as Glivec, and which is very effective against the form of cancer known as chronic myeloid leukaemia (CML). The...

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Grant under Indira Awas Yojna increased in Haryana

-PTI CHANDIGARH: The grant for construction of houses under Indira Awaas Yojana (IAY) has been increased in Haryana, an official said today. "The grant under Indira Awaas Yojana has been enhanced from Rs 45,000 to Rs 70,000 in plain areas and from Rs 48,500 to Rs 75,000 in hilly areas," a Haryana Rural Development Department spokesman said. Under IAY, the state government has spent Rs 46.61 crore during the year 2012-13. As many...

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State of the Urban Youth India 2012: Employment, Livelihoods, Skills and Iris Knowledge Foundation Every third person you meet in an Indian city today is a youth.  In about seven years the median age in India will be 29 years, very likely of a city-dweller, making it the youngest country in the world. The State of the Urban Youth India 2012: Employment, Livelihoods, Skills is published by IRIS Knowledge Foundation (IKF), Mumbai India for the UN-HABITAT Global Urban Youth Research...

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Centre draws up 9-point action plan to develop naxal-affected areas-Girija Shivakumar

-The Hindu Concerned over the extreme left groups' penetration into tribal territories and their ability to win over the hearts and minds of people deprived of basic necessities of life, the government has drawn-up a nine point action plan to deal with a host of Development challenges. The action plan is an outcome of series of meeting of a specially constituted Review Group of LWE (Left-Wing Extremism) under the aegis of...

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UN official: India should become a democracy for women

-The Hindu     Lakshmi Puri calls for greater political momentum on Women's Reservation Bill "My ambition for my country is it should become a democracy for women, by women and of women. This revolution is happening at the local level but [it] should also happen at the State and national level," said Lakshmi Puri, Assistant Secretary-General of the United Nations and acting head of U.N. Women. She believes much progress has been made by...

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