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Guilty on many counts, not corrupt-Harish Khare

-The Hindu Prime Minister Manmohan Singh's decency and politics of reconciliation have been his undoing Last fortnight I had cloistered myself away in the hills for a spot of reflection and writing. I had chosen to deprive myself of blessings like newspapers, the television and internet; telephone connectivity was at best erratic and in any case it was turned off most of the time. During one occasional moment of connectedness I got...

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Iron & steel industry struggling to meet green norms: CSE study

-The Times of India The iron and steel industry might be recording an impressive 8% annual growth, but it is struggling to meet environmental norms, the Centre for Science and Environment (CSE) concluded while rating its performance.  The results of the study were released by Union environment and forests minister Jayanthi Natarajan and Planning Commission member Arun Maira here on Monday.  After a two-year study, the Delhi-based green NGO concluded that Ispat Industries...

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No margin for error-Praful Bidwai

When it comes to thrusting nuclear power down the throats of unwilling people, official India sets a record of violations of dignity and rights that is embarrassing. Which other government but India's maligns all anti-nuclear protesters as foreign-inspired and lacking any agency? Where else would the police file 107 FIRs against 55,795 peaceful anti-nuclear protesters, but at Koodankulam, charging 6,800 with "sedition" and "waging war against the State"? And which...

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Ambedkar, NCERT Textbooks and the Protests-Harish Wankhede

The cartoon controversy provides the possibility of interrogating the functioning of the academic system to understand its relationship with the downtrodden masses. A new deliberation is needed in order to make the academic world more sensitive and responsive towards the issues and concerns of the subaltern-oppressed communities. This will be an ethical incentive for the present-day dalit movement in India and can bring greater democratisation to the education system. Harish Wankhede...

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India uproots most people for ‘progress’-Anahita Mukherji

-The Times of India Between 60 and 65 million people are estimated to have been displaced in India since Independence, the highest number of people uprooted for development projects in the world.  "This amounts to around one million displaced every year since Independence," says a report released recently by the Working Group on Human Rights in India and the UN (WGHR). "Of these displaced, over 40% are tribals and another 40% consist...

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