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Whose Forest is it Anyway?-Shirish Khare

-Tehelka In their struggle for forest rights, the Baigas of Madhya Pradesh have adopted a form of protest dating back to the 1930s, says Shirish Khare An idol placed under a banyan tree passes for a temple in Masna village in Mandla district of Madhya Pradesh. Surrounded by dense forests, the village is inhabited by the "primitive" Baiga tribe. "The government has taken over our land and enclosed it with barbed...

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Punjab agriculture: fresh concerns, forgotten remedies -PPS Gill

-The Hindustan Times A "progressive Punjab agriculture summit", scheduled in SAS Nagar from February 16 to 19 is a welcome step. The event comes close on the heels of an earlier summit on industry. Together, agriculture and industry form a strong fulcrum for Punjab's economic growth and prosperity. However, at present, both are in a grip of crisis; and perhaps unable to face the future challenges/opportunities on their own. It calls for...

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Lokpal may become a parking lot for retired babus -Himanshi Dhawan

-The Times of India NEW DELHI: Will the Lokpal become just another retirement home for ex-bureaucrats? Government rules say only serving and retired secretary-level officers to the government of India and their equivalent can become non-judicial members, ensuring that the fledgling Lokpal goes the way of the Central Information Commission and power and telecom regulators like CERC and Trai. Describing this as "unfortunate" and "illegitimate", activists under the aegis of the National...

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India's urban work boom is leaving women behind-Akshat Rathi

-The Hindu Under India's labour laws, women engaged in "informal" work - such as domestic work - have few workplace rights. This makes it harder for women to have sustainable jobs, let alone a career. Nearly 400 million people live in cities in India and during the next 40 years that number will more than double. Not only is the proportion of India's total female population that is economically active is among...

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Farm-fresh scheme rots in apathy-Arti S Sahuliyar

-The Telegraph Jharkhand: All good things have an expiry date. In this state, their shelf life is only shorter. Mobile Fresh, an ambitious project launched by Jharkhand State Horticulture Mission more than two years ago to deliver fruits and vegetables on Ranchi's doorstep in refrigerated vans, is today a rotting remembrance of its past self. Of the four equipped vehicles that were rolled out in November 2011, three have been gathering dust and...

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