A day after the All India Confederation of SC, ST Organisations (AICSO) asked Dalits to keep away from Anna’s agitation, parties identified with Dalit politics dubbed the movement as anti-backward classes and anti-reservation. While the Dalit protest was unfolding at India Gate, a corruption debate in Parliament turned into one on ‘protection of reservations’. In Rajya Sabha, LJP leader Ram Vilas Paswan said Hazare’s campaign was raising doubts and concerns among Dalits...
Why the Ramlila surge worries minorities and those on margins by Seema Chishti
In the unseen and unheard margins of Team Anna’s Ramlila Surge, there’s a growing sense of disquiet —especially among minority and marginalised groups. Despite carefully choreographed images of Muslim children publicly breaking their Ramzaan fast with Anna Hazare, prominent Dalit, Muslim and Christian leaders are deeply suspicious of the faces on display and the voices emanating from the crowds. They argue that Anna’s ends — fighting corruption — is undoubtedly justified, they...
More »This time as farce by Aditya Mukherjee
The largely urban, middle-class agitation led by “Team Anna” Hazare for the acceptance of a particular version of the Lokpal bill in order to end corruption in India, has raised several questions regarding the scope, legitimacy, credibility and sustainability of such protests. It has also led to some rather hasty comparisons with powerful movements in the past — including, quite unbelievably, India’s freedom struggle, arguably the biggest mass movement in...
More »Irom Sharmila supports Anna's campaign
-The Economic Times Manipur's 'Iron Lady' Irom Sharmila Chanu, who has been on a fast for over 10 years in support of her demand for scrapping the Armed Forces (Special Powers) Act, on Tuesday extended her support to Anna Hazare's anti-graft mission. Sharmila has written a letter to Anna Hazare, expressing her solidarity with his movement. Sections had derided Hazare's hunger strike, comparing it with the Manipur Iron Lady's anti-AFSPA agitation,...
More »Anna Hazare's campaign awakens middle class by Paul de Bendern
Mahesh Kundu paid 2,500 rupees for a driving licence, Rupam Bhatia 5,000 rupees to be admitted to hospital and Vishrant Chandra 6,000 rupees for a marriage certificate. These are the commonplace bribery stories experienced by middle-class Indians who have poured into the streets to say "enough is enough". Corruption in India is as old as the Ramayana, when the evil demon Ravana bribed a guardian of hell to avoid punishment in...
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