-The Indian Express The labour contractor demanded Rs 1.4 lakh for the 10 people who were paid in advance but slipped away. Bhubaneswar: Nilambar Dhangdamajhi, a 22-year-old tribal farmer from Kalahandi district, whose right palm was chopped off by a labour contractor in December 2013, died last evening. Dhangdamajhi, suffering from an unknown fever for last few days, passed away at his home in Nuaguda village of Kalahandi’s Jaipatna block. His wife...
GEAC sub-panel has experts relevant to safety of GM crops: MoEF
-The Hindu Business Line NEW DELHI: The Ministry ?of Environment and Forest (MoEF) ?has allayed concerns cited by environmentalists that the GEAC sub-committee that studied the bio-safety of GM (genetically modified) mustard did not have any ‘health expert’ on board?.? In a statement issued on Sunday, the ?Ministry clarified that the panel “had experts in subjects relevant to safety evaluation of GE (genetically-engineered) crops. “The GEAC in its 126th meeting held on 04.01.2016,...
More »Poor Forest rights act implementation hampers social justice to the tribals
Access to land and its resources is important since it determines the extent of poverty and deprivation one faces. Historically tribal populations and other traditional Forest dwellers did not enjoy any legal entitlement such as ownership rights or user rights of the Forest lands where they had been living since ages, both communally and individually. The Forest Rights Act (FRA) is, thus, seen as a progressive legislation that attempted to...
More »DeForestation is reducing rainfall in India: IIT-Bombay study -Priyanka Sahoo
-The Indian Express “Due to the large-scale deForestation, there has been a significant drop in the amount of rainfall received,” said Subimal Ghosh, a faculty member associated with the study. Mumbai: DEForestATION AND conversion of Forest land to crop land has weakened the monsoon in India, a study by a team from the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT)-Bombay has found. The team from the Interdisciplinary Program in Climate Studies of IIT-B studied...
More »Centre to consider socio-economic factors in GM crop assessment -Amiti Sen
-The Hindu Business Line Draft guidelines coming soon for comments from stakeholders New Delhi: With the debate on genetically modified (GM) crops getting intense, the Ministry of Environment and Forests (MoEF) is considering the option of putting in place guidelines for socio-economic assessment to judge proposed GM varieties on the basis of factors such as economy, health, environment, society and culture. “Guidelines on socio-economic considerations will make it easier for the Genetic Engineering...
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