-The Indian Express On April 26, 2007, the Delhi Police Special Cell claimed to have arrested three Lashkar-e-Toiba operatives — one a Pakistani and two of Jammu and Kashmir — from Dilli Haat along with RDX, electronic detonators and grenades, and that this had foiled a fidayeen attack planned during celebrations of the 150th anniversary of the first war of Independence. After five years of trial, additional sessions judge (north), Tis...
India improves position to 105th on global gender gap index
-The Economic Times India has moved up 8 points to 105th position in the global Gender Gap Index of 135 countries for 2012, from 113th position in the previous year, according to the World Economic Forum. The index, which examines the gap between men and women on the basis of economic participation and opportunities; educational attainment; health and survival, and political empowerment is topped by Iceland, followed by Finland, Norway, Sweden and...
More »A state of criminal injustice -Praveen Swami
-The Hindu The conviction rate for every kind of crime is in free fall, engendering a breakdown of law that no republic can survive Even criminals, back in 1953, seemed to be soaking in the warm, hope-filled glow that suffused the newly free India. From a peak of 654,019 in 1949, the number of crimes had declined year-on-year to 601,964. Murderers and dacoits; house-breakers and robbers — all were showing declining enthusiasm...
More »India ranked at 115 on women empowerment scale: Survey
-PTI Melbourne: India has been ranked at a poor 115 by a global survey which looked into the level of economical empowerment of women in 128 countries. The list was topped by Australia and followed by three Scandinavian countries -- Norway, Sweden and Finland. At the bottom of the list were Yemen, Pakistan, Sudan and Chad. The research done by an international consulting and management firm Booz & Company ranked India at 115 and...
More »Terror suspect ends life, family blames ‘harassment’ by police -Sreenivas Janyala
-The Indian Express Hyderabad: Abdul Razak alias Mansoor, who police say was a Lashkar-e-Toiba member, committed suicide last Wednesday. His family intends to approach the Andhra Pradesh Human Rights Commission, saying harassment by police drove Razak to kill himself. Razak was an accused in the November 2002 blast at Sai Baba temple in Dilsukhnagar in Hyderabad that killed two persons and injured three. He was also named in the FIRs filed in...
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