-Zee News The family of RTI activist and India Against Corruption's Madhya Pradesh chapter head Shehla Masood, who was killed here last month, feels the probe into the case would have acquired more urgency had Anna Hazare and his associates "raised the issue the way they should have". "I cannot say why after saying a few lines initially, no member of Team Anna raised the issue the way they should have....
A Pail Of Piety Against An Augean Stable by Pranab Bardhan
There are structural aspects to a problem as complex as corruption. These cannot be tackled through punishment alone. Just as our society tends to latch on to holy men for miracle cures, in recent weeks, the urban middle classes have placed great hopes on an anti-corruption movement led by a pious man in a Gandhi cap. (The other claim on leadership by a holy man in red robes did not...
More »Salwa Judum: review plea hearing on September 22 by J Venkatesan
The Supreme Court on Friday posted for hearing on September 22 the Centre's application seeking recall/review of its order declaring illegal and unconstitutional the appointment of tribal youth as Special Police Officers/Salwa Judum by the Chhattisgarh government to counter Maoist violence. A Bench of Justices B. Sudershan Reddy (since retired) and S.S. Nijjar had passed the order on the writ petition filed by social anthropologist Nandini Sundar and others. The Centre...
More »How we happily abuse our kids
-The Telegraph The “abduction” of children from a school to feed the supply chain of a rally has shed light on how an “enlightened” Bengal has learnt to live comfortably with the abuse of the moral and legal rights of its children. A day after 45 children were plucked out of their school and made to march through the heart of the city, police split legal hairs, some parties found leaving children...
More »When you send your kids to school, pray they aren’t forced to become rally cattle
-The Telegraph Children are not safe in school if there is a rally in this city. At least 45 children from a government-run New Alipore school, some of them barely 10 years old, were herded into a Matador van and sent to central Calcutta without their parents’ consent. Some of them thought their children had been kidnapped when they arrived at Sahapur Mathuranath Vidyapeeth after hearing from people in the neighbourhood that many...
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