-The Hindu Despite a big increase in college attendance, especially among women, fewer than one out of every 10 Indians is a graduate, new Census data show. Over the weekend, the office of the Census Commissioner and Registrar-General of India released new numbers on the level of education achieved by Indians as of 2011. They show that with 6.8 crore graduates and above, India still has more than six times as many illiterates. While...
Want to contest panchayat polls in Bihar? First, install a toilet at your home -Madan Kumar
-The Times of India PATNA: If you want to become Mukhiya, Pramukh, district board chairperson or even a ward member of your gram-panchayat by contesting panchayat polls in Bihar, you must have to construct a toilet at your individual home. Bihar Legislative Assembly on Wednesday passed a legislation- the Bihar Panchayat Raj (Amendment) Bill, 2015, bringing some new provisions including making it mandatory for candidates contesting all level of panchayat raj elections...
More »Poor more prone to suicides than the rich, says NCRB -B Sivakumar
-The Times of India CHENNAI: Poor incomes, mounting debts and family issues drove a good number of those in the lower socioeconomic bracket to suicide. Data put out by the National Crime Records Bureau ( NCRB) for 2014 said nearly 70% of the suicides were by people earning less than Rs one lakh per annum. This disturbing trend hasn't changed much. On July 18, in a suicide pact, a 35-year-old cab driver and...
More »Clean fuel usage depends on socio-economic factors
Did anyone ever tell you that there exists rural-urban, class as well as caste gap in households’ access to clean fuel for cooking and lighting? This has been revealed by a new report from the National Sample Survey Organization (NSSO). (Please see the links below). The NSS 68th round report entitled Energy Sources of Indian Households for Cooking and Lighting has found that more than two-third of urban households used...
More »Grim picture -TK Rajalakshmi
-Frontline A survey conducted by the Women and Child Development Ministry and UNICEF in 28 States and Delhi presents a dismal picture of crucial maternal and child health indicators. ONE OF the success stories that successive governments at the Centre have regularly narrated is the improvement in maternal and child health indicators, including coverage of various facilities and services that directly or indirectly affect the health and well-being of these cohort...
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