Union Home Minister P. Chidambaram on Friday launched a special scheme for the well-being and overall empowerment of adolescent girls. The scheme has been launched as a pilot project in 200 most backward districts. ‘Sabla' or the ‘Rajiv Gandhi Scheme for Adolescent Girls' would be launched in 22 districts of Uttar Pradesh, 15 in Madhya Pradesh, 12 each in Bihar and Sikkim, 11 in Maharashtra, and 10 in Rajasthan. To be based...
Broadband to connect 2.5 lakh villages by 2010 by Ruchika Chitravanshi
More public private partnerships are needed to create opportunities for the rural population India might have created its mark in the services sector — especially in information technology — on the global map, but the development of the rural sector still has a lot of ground to cover. Discussing how to innovate rural entrepreneurship towards employment at the India Economic Summit, various speakers called for increased public private partnerships to create...
More »Global effort against TB bearing fruit, but success remains fragile – UN report
An estimated 41 million people have been cured of tuberculosis (TB) over the past 15 years through a treatment strategy recommended by the United Nations health agency, according to a new report, but success remains fragile and governments must strengthen their determination to combat the disease. “With 1.7 million people dying from tuberculosis last year – including 380,000 women, many of whom were young mothers – these successes are far too...
More »NDFB issues fresh warning by Sushanta Talukdar
Ranjan Daimary faction of the National Democratic Front of Bodoland (NDFB) on Thursday issued fresh threat to all communities residing in the Bodo belt, security forces or “other Indian communities” warning of more “heinous and horrible results” if they make “any mistake or crime against the NDFB.” The fresh warning came after three days of serial killings by the outfit in which 24 civilians, majority of them Hindi-speaking people, were killed...
More »A Deadly Misdiagnosis by Michael Specter
Every afternoon at about four, a slight woman named Runi slips out of the cramped, airless room that she shares with her husband and their sixteen children. She skirts the drainage ditch in front of the building, then walks toward the pile of hardened dung cakes that people in this slum on the edge of the northeastern Indian city of Patna use for fuel. Dressed in a bright-yellow sari shot...
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