-The Hindu Over 5,000 violations pertains to distracting ‘part-screen’ and ‘scrolling’ ads The Electronic Media Monitoring Centre (EMMC) of the Information and Broadcasting Ministry has reported 13,000 instances of violations of regulatory norms by television channels in 2013-14. These violations came to light after Guntur-based Edara Gopi Chand, an activist with Media-Watch India, waged a three-year battle to expose the poor regulation of content on India’s TV channels. Using the RTI Act, Mr....
India among worst offenders in Asia in protecting journalists: IFJ
-PTI India, along with three neighbouring countries is among worst offenders in protecting journalists according to IFJ reports. India along with Pakistan, Sri Lanka and Afghanistan is among the “worst offenders” in the region in protecting journalists in 2014-15, International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) said in its latest report. The report ‘The Freedom Frontier- Press Freedom in South Asia’, which was released here today, advocated a strong need for a campaign to end...
More »India's Rural Jobs Programme: A Dismal Appraisal -Jean Drèze
-HuffingtonPost.in In the backdrop of workers taking to the streets on Labour Day to protest against their status, here is why the government's rural jobs guarantee programme presents an alarming picture today. Declining expenditure Central Government expenditure on NREGA declined from Rs 40,100 crores in 2010-11 to Rs 38,597 crores in 2014-5. In real terms, this means a decline of about 30% over four years. As a ratio of GDP, Central Government expenditure...
More »Handy cycle weeder for small farmers -MJ Prabu
-The Hindu Weeds are the biggest problem in crop production. Nearly 30 to 50 per cent of yield loss is due to weeds. These unwanted plants remove nearly 25 to 60 per cent of nutrients from the soil making them unavailable for plants and also act as host for several pests and infestations. Weed management is a big problem mainly because of labour shortage. Agricultural activity in India is largely labour based...
More »Rs 5,000 fine for burning waste in NCR, says NGT
-The Times of India NEW DELHI: In yet another bid to check air pollution in Delhi and the rest of the NCR, National Green Tribunal on Tuesday banned burning of waste in the open. It also announced a fine of Rs 5,000 on anyone who is caught burning dry leaves, plastic, rubber or any other waste material in NCR. NGT said deputy commissioners, director of horticulture, area SHOs, assistant commissioners and sanitary...
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