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Petty cultivators & agricultural labourers worst victims of farm suicide

There is a class angle to farmers' suicide in India. Close to three-quarter of farmers who committed suicide in 2014 were small and marginal farmers. ‘Bankruptcy or indebtedness’ accounted for one-fifth of total farmers’ suicide during 2014. The report entitled Accidental Deaths & Suicides in India 2014 by the National Crime Records Bureau of Ministry of Home Affairs clarifies the doubt that indebtedness and bankruptcy were major causes of farmers' suicide,...

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Pond water here is still ‘untouchable’ -Sathish GT

-The Hindu Kuruvanka (Hassan district, Karnataka): People residing in Dalit colony in Kuruvanka village in Channarayapatna taluk are not allowed to touch water in the village pond. This has been the practice from time immemorial. If they want water, they have to request someone from the ‘upper’ castes in the village to pour water in their pots. When this reporter visited the village on Friday, an elderly woman from the colony was...

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Adoption plan: choose child, then meet -Ananya Sengupta

-The Telegraph New Delhi: Prospective parents looking to adopt might in future have to choose the child they want as their own by going through photographs, with the government planning to end the practice of allowing them to meet several children before they take one home. Under existing rules, prospective parents can meet at least three children - referred by an adoption agency - before they take a decision. Draft guidelines the women...

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Limits of the SECC Data

-Economic and Political Weekly This is not "big data" to be used to cut down welfare expenditure. It was the Ministry of Rural Development which, for close to five years beginning in 2010, designed, planned and oversaw the execution of the 2011 Socio Economic and Caste Census (SECC), whose first batch of results were released earlier this month. Yet, it was somewhat unusual to see Union Minister for Finance, Arun Jaitley, rather...

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Spare Some Change -Lola Nayar, Arindam Mukherjee, Arushi Bedi, Pragya Singh & Pavithra S Rangan

-Outlook Social spends have been cut, rural India is in crisis, have we got the growth story wrong? When journalist P. Sainath met him, Jain saab, 45, was the ‘head of departments’ cum sports officer and principal of the Government P.G College, Alirajpur, Madhya Pradesh. The meeting was recorded in Sainath’s magnum opus, Everybody Loves a Good Drought, in 1995. As Sainath wrote then: “The schooling system, despite many stupid experime­nts,...

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