-Scroll.in / Factchecker.in NCRB data does not bear out the leaders' claim of lawlessness in Uttar Pradesh. Uttar Pradesh has reached “number one” in crime, Prime Minister Narendra Modi said on February 5, repeating the claim five days later. Similarly, Bharatiya Janata Party chief Amit Shah said on February 3 that states ruled by the BJP have a better law-and-order record than Uttar Pradesh. The crime situation has been a constant refrain in...
Holes in the security net -Anindita Adhikari & Inayat Anaita Sabhikhi
-The Indian Express Demonetisation shows India’s social welfare measures like MGNREGS to be worryingly patchy Following the announcement of demonetisation, reports of its devastating impact on informal sector workers, farmers and migrants began to pour in from across the country. Seeking evidence on two questions — do social security measures work in the face of such an economic shock, and do these programmes themselves face disruption because of demonetisation — we conducted...
More »Clean Ganga project hurts livelihoods, divides communities -Deeptiman Tiwary
-The Indian Express Suspension of work during festivals to ensure a cleaner Ganga and cow vigilantism, which has led to closure of several abattoirs and brought raw hide supply to half, have made things worse. Kanpur: The Namami Ganga Project has hurt leather workshop owner Aqueel Ahmed, 27. His earnings have dwindled with the crackdown on factories polluting the river in Kanpur’s Jajmau area. A kilometre away, priest Ramesh Prasad Tiwari,...
More »Freedom with defects -Ramachandra Guha
-The Telegraph After the third general elections held in 1962, the scholar-statesman, C. Rajagopalachari, wrote a fascinating, if now forgotten, essay on the imperfections of our young democracy. "The Indian electorate", remarked Rajaji, "suffers from well-known defects from which Western democracies are relatively free. The Indian voters are in great measure poor and vulnerable to bribery: even a day's expense for food serves to buy a large number of the poor...
More »By next year, centralised admissions for nursery -Krittika Sharma
-The Times of India NEW DELHI: The Delhi government plans to centralise the nursery admission process starting next academic year. The proposal will enable parents to apply to their schools of choice through a single online platform. The government wants to start the process of collecting data from private schools from April this year, and introduce the system for the 2018-19 academic year. Officials said the centralised system will cover all 1,700 city...
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