-CNN-IBN The great Mughal emperor Akbar once asked if there was any man in his court unbound by his wife's command. The huge mass of his courtiers and public was stunned and stood huddled together barring one meek-looking man, who stepped away and stood alone. Akbar was curious and asked how such a subMISsive fellow was the only one brave enough to defy his wife. "I am not defying my wife,...
Assault on freedom by Praful Bidwai
When universities start censoring speech and banning books, and perMISsion is needed to hold conferences, we risk becoming a hollow, illiberal democracy. Do you need the administration's prior perMISsion to hold a meeting, seminar, symposium or conference at a university? Most academics in liberal democracies would either be astounded by the question or feel compelled to answer it with an emphatic, if not vehement, no. The administration, they would argue, should...
More »National Rural MISsion to link one woman from every poor family to SHGs
-The Hindu “Need for regulatory space for MFIs so they function without affecting SHGs” The National Rural Livelihood MISsion (NRLM) would connect at least one woman from every poor household across the country with self-help groups (SHGs) in five years, Union Minister of Rural Development Jairam Ramesh said on Friday. “The objective of the programme is to ensure that in a five-year period one woman from every poor household becomes a member of...
More »High courts fail to meet RTI deadline directive by CIC
High courts have failed to adhere to the Central Information ComMISsion's directive to follow the Right to Information (RTI) Act rulebook. CIC, the final appellate authority for RTI Act, had ordered all the high courts to disclose complete information of the organisation, employees, salaries drawn, decisions taken and budget allocated, on their websites by April 1. However, not a single high court has complied with the direction. In January, CIC Satyananda...
More »MISsion Impossible by V Venkatesan
Experts agree that the economic and environmental costs of interlinking India's rivers far outweigh its projected benefits. Some people believe it is the one-stop solution to prevent floods and droughts, reduce water scarcity, raise irrigation potential and increase foodgrain production in the country. But others say it is just another grandiose scheme involving huge costs and leading to long-term ecological consequences. The contentious idea of interlinking India's rivers has come...
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