Anti-nuclear campaigners in India see the earthquake that hit Japan last week, which threatens the meltdown of the Fukushima atomic power facility there, as a wakeup call for this country’s ambitious nuclear power programme. When India completed a nuclear power cooperation deal with the United States in October 2008, it threw open a 270 billion U.S. dollar market for nuclear reactors. Now members of the 45-nation Nuclear Suppliers’ Group are queuing...
Corrupt means taint the nuclear deal by Brahma Chellaney
The new bribery revelations, a rigged process to import reactors and safety-related concerns must lead to the long-blocked scrutiny of the nuclear deal by Parliament. The world's worst nuclear accident since Chernobyl raises troubling questions about India's plans for a huge expansion of its nuclear power programme through reactor imports. Given its low per-capita energy consumption, India must generate far more electricity to economically advance. So it needs more nuclear-generated power....
More »India to join global effort to unchain mentally ill by Kounteya Sinha
India is all set to be part of the global movement to free mentally ill people from chains. A shameful practice often referred to as a blot on human rights, mentally ill patients in the southeast Asia region, including India, are chained to poles or their beds in institutions meant to cure them. In the Erwadi tragedy in India in 2001, over 20 people with mental illness were burned to death after...
More »Second green revolution is the need of the hour by Kunal Bose
The government will certainly not indulge in self congratulation for agriculture recording a growth of 5.4 per cent to 232.07 million tonnes in 2010-11 as this is happening on a low production base of 218.11 million tonnes last year when the country experienced the worst south-west monsoon since 1972. In fact, the major concern of the government is farm sector’s niggardly growth of 2.8 per cent in the first four...
More »India Can't Get the Food Right Wrong by Harsh Joshi
India's government has an ambitious plan for eradicating hunger in the country. Unfortunately, it may be going about it the wrong way. The National Food Security Bill that New Delhi intends to implement this year will make food a legal right for every citizen, including the millions of poor and underprivileged. No doubt the motive is right: India has one-fourth of the world's hungry poor, according to United Nations statistics. But merely...
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