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Drought-resistant paddy variety comes in handy -Rajiv Ajjibal

-The Hindu The variety is locally known as ‘Damberasali’ SIRSI (Karnataka): Amid reports of paddy crops affected by a deficient monsoon in Malnad this year, a young farmer in Hakkalkeri near Bedasgaon in Mundgod taluk is cultivating a rare variety that is drought resistant. Maryappa Choudappa Naik, a young farmer of Hakkalkeri brought 25 kg of ‘Raksha 10.5’ variety of paddy seeds from the Krishi Vigyan Kendra and noticed during the harvest that...

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Dr Imrana Qadeer, public health scholar and professor at the Centre of Social Medicine and Community Health (JNU), speaks to Poornima Joshi

-The Hindu Business Line How the Indian State metamorphosed from protector of the poor to facilitator of the private health industry If there is correlation between two incidents of the Central Government announcing cuts in the health budget and dengue patients being refused treatment in Delhi’s private hospitals, it is rarely discussed in the ongoing media debate on the subject. A new collection of researched essays edited by public health scholar Imrana...

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Amul's not so marginal farmers -Sohini Das Large dairy farms are critical for the next stage of India's white revolution Nagara (Anand): Sunil Patel hardly looks like a dairy farmer in his loafers, sleek glasses and cotton trousers. As he guides me to his farm of 110 cows through the narrow lanes of Nagara, a small village around 60 km from India’s milk capital, Anand, I notice most of the houses have piped natural gas connections. Nagara, like...

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Nutrition for kids -Aparajita Dasgupta

-The Indian Express Why early life investment matters, and what we should do about it. With the success in reducing child mortality, the challenge before India is to safeguard early-life conditions in order to prevent long-run loss in welfare for individuals and the economy. Malnutrition rates for India are extremely high, with about 38.4 per cent of children being stunted and 46 per cent underweight (National Family Health Survey, 2005-06). There...

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Scientifically validated Rs 5 anti-diabetes herbal drug launched by CSIR -Neha Shukla

-The Times of India LUCKNOW: A scientifically validated anti-diabetes herbal drug, named 'BGR-34', was launched by a Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) lab in Lucknow on Sunday. A combination of natural extracts from PLAnts, the drug is based on Ayurveda and has no side effects. The drug is for management of type-II diabetes mellitus. The drug has been jointly developed by two CSIR laboratories, National Botanical Research Institute (NBRI) and...

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